Chapter LIX

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Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name
(L/N): Last Name
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

(Y/N) woke up chained to the wall. He was in some kind of cell because metal bars surrounded him.

(Y/N): <grunting> What the hell? Where am I?

A woman's voice answered him.

???: Stop squirming. You're still in the mansion.

He looked up and saw Jeanine looking down at him from outside of the cell. She had a cigarette in one hand.

(Y/N): What's the meaning of this?

Jeanine: I said stop squirming. We're keeping you prisoner until our mistress arrives to get you.

(Y/N): What? Mistress?

Jeanine sat down on a nearby box and blew smoke into (Y/N)'s face. He coughed and shook his head.

Jeanine: She's our leader. The one who turned you into what you are.

(Y/N): <shocked> Huh?

Jeanine: You see, we are all experiments of her's. Ose, Utsumi, Arielle, Toyama, and I were all experimented on and turned into those bat creatures.

(Y/N): Wait... Bat creatures? I knew Arielle looked familiar...

Jeanine: That's right. She was the one that attacked you back then. There are plenty more than just the five of us.

(Y/N): <growling> So I guess I'm an experiment of your mistress?

Jeanine: Yes. However, you are not a bat creature like us. No, you are something far different. Our mistress hasn't told us what exactly you are, but those weird powers you have are from her.

(Y/N): I see. So that explains it...

Jeanine smirked and stood up. She knelt down in front of him.

Jeanine: It's time you learned that ninjas aren't the only thing that exist in this world. Mutants, abominations, and monsters exist here too. And you are one of them.

(Y/N) bit his lip.

Jeanine: <grinning> You will stay here until our mistress arrives. In the meantime, we will kill your teammates before the week is over.

(Y/N): WHAT??!! Don't you dare!

He started trying to break out of the chains. When that didn't work, he tried to start building up chakra.

Jeanine: Good luck trying to use chakra. These chains are made from a special type of material that nullifies chakra.

(Y/N): What? That exists?

Jeanine: Our mistress was the one that gave it to us to use. She made it herself. Only the key can unlock those chains.

(Y/N) continued trying to break out of the chains.

Jeanine: You look pathetic, dear. Don't worry. After our mistress is done with you, she'll drop you back off at the Leaf Village.

(Y/N) stopped and looked up at her, confused.

Jeanine: Without your memories of course. She did it once before.

And with that, she left the room, leaving (Y/N) alone with his thoughts.

(Y/N): <thinking> So that's why my memories were gone... This mistress lady is responsible. She must've taken me after the Uchiha Clan Massacre and experimented on me...

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