Chapter XXV

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Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name
(L/N): Last Name
(H/C): Hair Color
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

(Y/N) continued to stare at the painting of the Rabbit Goddess.

Iruka: She's from one of the oldest myths in the entire world. Of course, you wouldn't know about her. We don't teach old myths and legends at the Academy.

Sakura: What's she supposed to be?

Iruka: No one really knows who started the myth, but it is said that she was the one who gave Chakra to mankind.

Naruto: <surprised> Really?

Iruka: Some say that she was a god from the heavens, while others say she's from another world. Of course, this is just a myth. Some accounts say she was a benevolent person who loved mankind, while others call her The Demon and say she hated mankind and wanted to take back the chakra she had given them.

Sasuke looked at the painting. He then gasped when he saw a third eye on her forehead.

Sasuke: Is that a Sharingan on her forehead?

Iruka: By the looks of it. Some accounts say that she was the one who also gave Dōjutsu to mankind, as well.

Sasuke: So you're saying that the Sharingan came from her?

Iruka: I said it was a myth, remember?

Sakura: She's so pretty.

Iruka: Well, we don't know what she was originally intended to look like. The painter of this painting wanted the Rabbit Goddess to look beautiful.

(Y/N): Who's the painter?

Iruka: Oh, she's the town librarian. She's obsessed with old myths and legends. She painted this same picture in every room of this tower. Her name is Minerva.

Naruto: <looking at the painting> I'm confused now. So basically she gave people chakra, Sharingan, and then wanted to get it back?

Iruka: I said some accounts say that, Naruto. Anyway, this myth isn't something you need to know.

(Y/N) kept on staring at the painting. He put his hand on it.

(Y/N): <thinking> Why am I so mesmerized by this painting? I didn't even know about her until just now. But I feel like... I know her.

Iruka: Well, that's enough talk about the Rabbit Goddess. Remember, you still have the Chūnin Exam to get through.

Naruto: Right!

Iruka stared at his four old students. He then frowned.

Iruka: Uh, one more thing. For the third exam, don't push it too far. Especially you, Naruto.

Naruto: Iruka-sensei, when I got this headband, I stopped being a student, so you don't need to worry about me at all. Not anymore. I mean, this headband is proof that I'm a full-fledged ninja, right? You gave it to me. I may still be hyper, but I'm not a kid. Like you said, I got through the second Chūnin Exam, and you watch! I'm gonna pass the third one for sure! Right now, I'm a ninja too!

(Y/N) smiled at Naruto.

Iruka: Naruto, you're right. I'm sorry about that.

(Y/N) looked back at the painting of the Rabbit Goddess. Her hands were outstretched as if she wanted to hold him in her arms.

Naruto (Male Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now