Chapter I

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Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name
(L/N): Last Name
(F/C): Favorite Color

Note: The picture I put in this chapter and in subsequent chapters of (Y/N) is not what he has to look like. That's only a default if you can't decide and also it's what I picture him to look like. You can change anything you want, except for the hair. The white hair is an important part in the story. In later chapters, you will get to change it, but for now, the hair color is white. Also, I will be writing that (Y/N) has long hair, but you can choose to ignore that. Thank you! >—<

Beep! Beep! Beep!

(Y/N) groaned as he smashed the snooze button on his alarm clock. He rolled onto his back and opened his eyes, looking at the ceiling.

(Y/N): <thinking> Oh, great. Another day that I have to deal with the idiots at the Academy...

(Y/N) rolled out of bed, pushing his white bangs out of his face. He looked around his room.

He rolled his eyes and left the room.

When he was finished with breakfast, he put on a (F/C) shirt, a black jacket, and blue pants. Then, he tied his hair back. He yawned and opened the door to his house and walked out.

The sun shined brightly in his face. He squinted his eyes and began to walk over to the Ninja Academy.


Sakura Haruno and Ino Yamanaka both ran into the classroom, getting stuck in the door for a few seconds in the process.

Sakura/Ino: <in unison> I'm first!

They both panted, before Ino smirked at Sakura.

Ino: I won again, Sakura.

Sakura: Give it up. I had to look back to see you. My toe was at least a tenth of an inch ahead.

Ino: Have you always been this delusional?

Sakura looked around the room and spotted someone. She smiled and ran over to the person.

Ino: <to Sakura> Hey, wait. Where are you going?

A blonde-haired boy, Naruto Uzumaki, stood up and waved at a running Sakura.

Naruto: Hi, Sakura. What's up?

Sakura pushed Naruto out of the way and looked at the black-haired boy sitting in the seat next to him.

Sakura: <blushing; to the boy> Good morning, Sasuke.

The boy, Sasuke Uchiha, looked up at Sakura, not speaking.

Sakura: <blushing> Mind if I sit next to you?

Before Sasuke could answer, Ino walked up to Sakura and pushed her back a little.

Ino: Back off, Forehead. I'm sitting next to Sasuke.

Sakura: I was here first.

Ino: I walked into the classroom before you did. Everybody saw it.

Sakura: Dream on.

Girl 1: <walking up to the two> Actually, I got here before either of you.

Girl 2: <walking up to them> So did I. I'm sitting next to Sasuke.

Girl 3: <walking up to them> No, I am.

Sasuke: <thinking> Clueless. <looks around> Now, where is he?

The girls began to argue and yell at each other.

Naruto (Male Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now