Chapter II

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Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name
(L/N): Last Name
(F/C): Favorite Color
(E/Cg): Eye Color

Sakura and (Y/N) arrived at the Academy.

(Y/N): <wiping his lips with his sleeve> So, where are we supposed to meet our new sensei?

Sakura: In one of the classrooms of course.

She blushed and smiled at (Y/N), who rolled his eyes.

The two then entered the Academy, and Sakura led (Y/N) into the classroom they were meeting in.

Inside were Naruto and Sasuke.

Sakura: <to the two> Hey, guys! I found (Y/N)!

(Y/N) glared at Sasuke.

(Y/N): <shouting> You asshole!!

He ran up and punched Sasuke in the face, causing him to fly into a wall.

Sakura and Naruto both screamed in shock.

Sasuke: <groaning> Ow... <to (Y/N); angry> What the heck was that for, you jerk?

(Y/N): Your dumbass self left me all alone with Ino! And guess what, she kissed me!

Sasuke gasped and then let out a tiny laugh.

(Y/N): <angry> What's so funny!?

Sasuke: <laughing> Your first kiss was with Ino?

Sakura pouted when Sasuke said that.

(Y/N): Oh, yeah? Well, at least my first kiss wasn't with Naruto!

Naruto: Hey!

Sasuke: <angry; to (Y/N)> What was that?!

The two boys began to argue with each other.

Sakura and Naruto both sweatdropped, watching them.

Naruto: <to Sakura> And their best friends how?

Sakura: Who knows? Anyway, where's our sensei? He should be here by now.

(Y/N) and Sasuke stopped arguing and looked at Sakura.

(Y/N): Yeah, where is he?


(Y/N) was sitting down in a desk with Sasuke next to him. Sakura, meanwhile, leaned on a desk.

Naruto: <groans> He's late.

He stuck his head out of the door and began to look around the hallway.

Sakura: Naruto! Just sit down!

Naruto: I don't want to. How come our teacher's the only one that's late? I'm ready to roll. Believe it! The other groups already met their new teachers and took off on some adventure or something, and Iruka-sensei's gone, too.

Sakura: We know, okay?

(Y/N): Is this our first test? To wait around a be patient, because if this is, it's total BS.

Naruto suddenly got a stool from nowhere and grabbed an eraser. He got up on the stool.

Sakura: <to Naruto> Hey! What are you doing?

Naruto began to chuckle evilly when he placed the eraser high up in between the tiny door opening.

Sakura: <sternly> Naruto!

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