Chapter XII

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Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name
(L/N): Last Name
(H/C): Hair Color
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

The next day, Kakashi, (Y/N), Sasuke, Sakura, and Tazuna were standing outside of the house. Kakashi was talking to Tsunami.

Kakashi: <to Tsunami> Okay, I leave Naruto in your hands. He's pushed his body to the limit, overdoing it as usual, so he may not be able to move today at all.

Tsunami: What about you? You're still recovering yourself.

Kakashi: Why? Do I look wobbly? I'll be okay.

Tazuna: Come on. Let's go.

The group began to walk away while Tsunami watched them.

(Y/N): Naruto's going to be super mad at us.

Sakura: He'll get over it. It's his fault anyway. If he didn't use up so much chakra yesterday, he would be coming with us.

(Y/N) shrugged and put his hands behind his head.

When the group reached the bridge, all of Tazuna's workers were spread out on the ground, injured.

Tazuna: <shocked> Hold on. What the heck is this?

The group looked around, shocked.

Tazuna: What happened? Someone was here. Someone got to them.

(Y/N): Who was it?

Suddenly, heavy mist began to appear around the bridge.

Kakashi: This mist... <yelling> (Y/N), Sasuke, Sakura, get ready.

The group formed a circle. (Y/N) grabbed Crimson in its sword form, while Sasuke and Sakura grabbed a kunai each.

Kakashi: I knew he was still alive. He just couldn't wait for round 2.

Sakura: Kakashi-sensei, it's Zabuza, isn't it? This is his Hidden Mist Jutsu.

Tazuna: <to (Y/N)> Hey, kid. Can't you use your Copy Jutsu or whatever the hell it's called?

(Y/N): I could, but how would creating more mist help us?

Zabuza's voice was then heard.

Zabuza: <voice> Sorry I kept you waiting, Kakashi. I see you've still got those brats with you. <about Sasuke> That one's still trembling. Pitiful.

(Y/N) looked and saw Sasuke's hand shaking. He then saw Zabuza clones all around them.

Sasuke smirked, confusing a Zabuza clone.

Sasuke: Heh. I'm trembling with excitement.

(Y/N): Hell, yeah.

He pointed Crimson at one of the clones.

Kakashi: Go on, Sasuke, (Y/N).

The two Genin quickly destroyed all of the Zabuza clones.

Zabuza: <voice> Ooh, so you could see they were water clones, huh? The brats are improving.

Two people emerged from the fog. One was Zabuza and the other was the tracker ninja that "killed" him.

(Y/N): <thinking> So the tracker ninja was working for Zabuza, then?

Zabuza: <to the tracker ninja> Looks like you've got some rivals, Haku.

Haku: So it seems.

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