Chapter XXII

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Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name
(L/N): Last Name
(H/C): Hair Color
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

When the giant wave of wind stopped, (Y/N) and Sasuke hid under a bush. They suddenly heard a noise.

They stood up and saw Sakura standing behind them. She gasped.

Sasuke: Sakura.

Sakura: Sasuke. (Y/N). What was that?

She started to walk over to them.

(Y/N) pointed Crimson at her.

(Y/N): Stay there! First answer the question. "When does a ninja strike?"

Sakura: Uh... "A ninja waits until the time is right. When the enemy sleeps and drops his guard, when his weapons lie forgotten in the stillness of the night, that is the moment for a ninja to strike."

(Y/N): <lowers Crimson> Good.

Suddenly, they saw Naruto running towards them.

Naruto: Hey! Are you guys okay?

Sakura: Don't come any closer! What's the password?

Naruto: Oh, sure! No problem. "A ninja waits until the time is right. When the enemy sleeps and drops his guard, when his weapons lie forgotten in the stillness of the night, that is the moment for a ninja to strike."

Sakura sighed in relief.

Suddenly, Sasuke threw a kunai at Naruto, who barely avoided it.

Sakura and Naruto both gasped.

Naruto: What was that? You could've killed me!

Sasuke: I gotta hand it's to you. You're quicker than the last one.

Sakura: What are you talking about? What was wrong with that? He just got the password right, word-for-word!

(Y/N): Yeah, and that's what's wrong. Did you really expect Naruto to remember all of that? Especially word-for-word?

Sakura: You're right.

Sasuke: <to "Naruto"> All right, come out, whoever you are. Party's over.

"Naruto" smirked before licking his lips with his long tongue.

"Naruto": <with a female voice> Aren't we the clever ones?

Just then, "Naruto" turned into the woman with long, black hair. She was the one who handed Anko the kunai with her tongue.

Woman: Tell me, if your teammate is really that dimwitted, why did you come up with a password he'd never be able to answer?

Sasuke: <smirking> You see, it wasn't meant for Naruto, it was for anyone who happened to be nearby and eavesdropping on us. It was a trap, and you stumbled right into it.

Woman: I'm impressed. You certainly haven't dropped your guard, have you? This promises to be very entertaining.

She licked her lips again with her long tongue.

(Y/N): <thinking> She's so creepy. She just may be the creepiest out of them all. But where is Naruto, then?

The woman then took out an Earth Scroll, causing the three gasp.

Woman: Oh... You'd love to get your hands on our Earth Scroll, wouldn't you? It would go so nicely wi your Heaven Scroll.

(Y/N): Then why don't you hand it over? Save yourself the trouble?

Naruto (Male Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now