Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name
(L/N): Last Name
(H/C): Hair Color
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color(Y/N) opened his eyes and looked up at the ceiling. He sighed.
(Y/N): <muttering> Today's the day...
He reluctantly rolled out of bed and slowly walked into the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror.
His (H/C) was a mess. It was sticking up all over the place. He squinted his (E/C) eyes and groaned.
(Y/N): I hate my hair sometimes.
He got changed, brushed his teeth, and combed his hair. He put his long hair in a high ponytail and grabbed his Leaf Headband and put it on.
Out in the streets, many people were walking over to the stadium where the Final Rounds would take place.
(Y/N) passed the Konoha Library. However, he decided to say hi to Minerva before he continued on. He opened the door and walked inside.
Minerva was at her desk, asleep. (Y/N) rolled his eyes and poked her head. She immediately lifted her head up.
Minerva: <sheepishly> W-Wha—?! Who's there? It better not be you, Ibiki. I already told you that I wouldn't go out with you!
(Y/N): <thinking> The hell? Is she drunk too? <out load> Hey, Minerva? You good?
She shook her head and stared at (Y/N), eyes opened wide in embarrassment.
Minerva: Oh, it's you! Forget I said that. >__<
(Y/N): Uh, okay... Anyway, today's the Final Rounds, remember? I'm heading over there right now. Are you going to go see?
Minerva: Huh? Final Rounds? Oh, yeah! It's today. I forgot. I was up all night doing a bunch of paperwork. Running a library's not easy, you know.
(Y/N) looked at her desk and saw a bottle of Sake on it. He glared at her.
(Y/N): So drinking Sake is "paperwork" to you?
Minerva looked at the bottle, before grabbing it and putting it under her desk. She gave (Y/N) a pained smile.
Minerva: Uh, anyway, yeah, I'm going to go watch the Final Rounds. I expect you to become a Chūnin, okay? Don't let those other poopyheads beat you.
(Y/N): "Poopyheads?" Are you sure you're all right, Minerva?
Minerva: I'm fine. I think I just have a mini-hangover. <grunts in pain and grabs her head> Ow! Yup, mini-hangover.
(Y/N): Um, okay. See you at the stadium then.
Minerva: Bye bye!
He walked out of the library and rolled his eyes. Minerva's so weird sometimes. He then continued on towards the stadium.
(Y/N) soon spotted Naruto walking towards the stadium as well. He smirked and threw his arm around Naruto's neck, smiling, startling him.
Naruto: <surprised> (Y/N)?
(Y/N): Hey, Naruto. You ready for this?
Naruto: <looking down> I don't know if I can do this.
(Y/N): Don't be like that. I'm sure you'll do fine. Remember, we don't have to win our matches to become Chūnin.
Naruto: I know, but I really wanna beat Neji. But he's really strong, and I don't know if I can.

Naruto (Male Reader Insert)
Fanfiction(Y/N) (L/N) seems like a normal kid in Konoha. He wants to become a ninja and to have a good life. However, on the inside, it's a different story. A strange and almost alien power is within him, waiting to be unleashed. Can he suppress this power wi...