Chapter XL

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Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name
(L/N): Last Name
(H/C): Hair Color
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

Gaara grunted and glared at Temari.

Gaara: Leave me alone, Temari. Go away. You are nothing but a nuisance.

He turned and smacked Temari into another tree. She yelped.

Gaara: I don't need you.

He panted heavily before glaring at (Y/N) and Sasuke.

(Y/N): <thinking> I really wish my chakra wasn't so low right now. Dammit.

Sasuke: <to Gaara> I have no idea what scheme you Sand Village clowns have got going, but I'll stop it, no matter what it is.

Gaara's skin began to crack.

Sasuke: Besides... I'm dying to see what you really are.

Gaara suddenly grabbed his head and began to scream.

Temari: Gaara, no!

His skin began to crack more and more.

Temari: No, Gaara! Remember our mission!

(Y/N): What the hell is happening?

Gaara: We're so alike, Uchiha. I don't have friends as you have, but they're not what makes you strong. It's your purpose that does it. In that way, we're alike. You! But mine is the stronger purpose. For only by destroying you and all you represent can I even prove that I exist. Only by killing you can I know what life is.

(Y/N) frowned and glanced at Sasuke.

Just then, Gaara screamed even louder as more and more cracks appeared all over his body.

Gaara: You are my prey! My prey! My prey!

Half of his body suddenly transformed into some kind of tan beast. His right arm was now a gigantic claw that was almost bigger than he was. Half of his face was bulging with a giant ear and a glowing yellow eye.

(Y/N) gasped and he could almost feel Sasuke shivering next to him. He could also see Temari cowering in fear.

Gaara: Now... let me feel it.

(Y/N): <thinking> Now I really wish I had chakra!

Just then, Gaara leapt at the two of them. His giant claw opened up as if to crush them.

The two ninjas jumped off of the tree as Gaara crashed into it, creating a giant gust of dust and tree parts.

(Y/N) and Sasuke landed on another tree branch, panting heavily.

(Y/N): Crap. Sasuke, we're in trouble. I barely have any chakra left. I don't know how long I'll be able to keep up.

Sasuke: This is bad. I don't think we'll be able to finish this up before Shino arrives.

Gaara then jumped at them again, destroying that tree. Sasuke and (Y/N) were able to jump out of the way.

Sasuke: Is he human or monster?

They hid behind another tree, panting.

Gaara: Why do you hide, Sasuke Uchiha? Do I frighten you? Are you shocked by my true form? Come out, come out, Sasuke Uchiha.

(Y/N): <whispering> Why is he only out for you, Sasuke?

Before he could answer, Gaara spoke again.

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