Chapter VII

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Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name
(L/N): Last Name
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

Zabuza stared at the four Genin. He made a hand seal with one hand, because he was using the other one to keep Kakashi trapped in the Water Prison.

Zabuza: Water Clone Jutsu!

Kakashi: <thinking> Ugh. He's even more skilled than I thought.

Another Zabuza Clone then emerged from the water, causing Naruto to shiver.

(Y/N) gripped his arm.

(Y/N): <thinking> I have to do something.

Zabuza Clone: <to the Genin> You think wearing a headband makes you a ninja. When you've hovered between life and death so many times it doesn't faze you, then you may be called a ninja. When you've become so deadly, your profile is entered in my bingo book, then you may have earned the title ninja. But to call upstarts like you ninja is a joke.

A thick mist began to surround the clone, causing him to disappear from view.

Naruto: He disappeared again.

Suddenly, the Zabuza clone kicked Naruto in the face, causing the Genin's headband to fly off his forehead, as well as making him fly backwards into the ground.

(Y/N)/Sakura: Naruto!

The clone stepped on Naruto's headband.

Zabuza Clone: You're just brats.

Kakashi: <to the Genin> Listen! Get the bridge builder and run! You can't win this fight! He's using all his power to keep me in this prison. So he can only fight you with his water clone. But the clone can't go far from his real body. If you get away from him, he can't follow. Now run!

(Y/N): Hell, no!

Sasuke: If we try to run, he'll track us down and wipe us out. Our only shot is to rescue you. We've got to do it!

Sasuke ran at the clone, throwing shurikens at him, which the clone easily blocked with his sword.

He looked up and saw Sasuke in the air, falling towards him.

Zabuza Clone: Too easy.

The clone caught Sasuke by the neck and threw him into (Y/N).

Sakura: Sasuke, (Y/N)! No!

Naruto: <scared> He got Sasuke and (Y/N) at the same time! I-I've got to get away.

Naruto tried to crawl away, but he then saw his wounded hand wrapped in a bandage.

Meanwhile, Sasuke and (Y/N) got up and ran over to Sakura and Tazuna.

(Y/N): We have to free Kakashi-sensei somehow.

Sakura: But how? Zabuza is right next to him.

Naruto then began to slowly get up off the ground.

Naruto: <to himself> That's right. I'm a ninja now. Believe it. I swore an oath of pain. I won't run away!

The blonde began to charge at the clone, yelling.

Kakashi: Huh? Naruto, no!

Sakura: <screaming> Naruto! What in the world are you doing?

Zabuza Clone: <laughs> Fool.

The clone easily punched Naruto, sending him rolling back over to the other Genin and Tazuna.

Naruto (Male Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now