Chapter VIII

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Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name
(L/N): Last Name
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

(Y/N) looked at Zabuza's lifeless body.

(Y/N): <quietly> So is he dead?

Kakashi leapt down from the tree and inspected Zabuza's body. He touched his neck.

Kakashi: No vital signs.

He then looked at the figure.

The person bowed.

Person: Thank you. I've been tracking Zabuza for a long time, waiting for this chance to finally take him down.

Kakashi: By your mask, I see that you're a tracker ninja from the Village Hidden in the Mist.

Tracker Ninja: Impressive. You're well informed.

Naruto suddenly moved in front of Tazuna.

Naruto: A tracker!

Sakura: Naruto, you don't even know what that is. You missed the lesson on it, as usual. Tracker ninja have a special role. Try coming to class sometime. When a rogue ninja breaks away from his village, he carries all kinds of secrets with him, the secrets of his people. Trackers are specially trained to hunt down these ninja and eliminate them. That way, the secrets of their people remain secrets.

Tracker Ninja: That's correct. I'm a member of the elite tracking unit of the Village Hidden in the Mist. It was my duty to stop Zabuza.

(Y/N): <thinking> But this guy is around my age. How can he be an elite tracker ninja? Plus, I can't tell if that person is a girl or boy...

Naruto randomly ran over and looked up at the tracker ninja. He then looked at Zabuza's body before looking up at the ninja again.

Naruto: <to the tracker> What is this? Who do you think you are?

(Y/N): Naruto, what are you doing?

The tracker didn't say anything.

Naruto: <to the tracker> Did you hear me?

Kakashi: Easy, Naruto. He's not our enemy.

Naruto: Huh? That's not the point. Did you see what he did, just like that? Zabuza was huge and powerful like some kind of monster. And this kid, who's no bigger than me, he brought down Zabuza with one move like it was nothing. I mean, what does that make us? We're just fumbling around. We don't know anything. Even (Y/N) couldn't beat Zabuza. How can I accept that?

(Y/N) looked down.

Kakashi walked up to Naruto.

Kakashi: Well, even if you don't accept it, still it did happen, Naruto. <ruffles Naruto's hair> In this world, there are kids who are younger than you and yet stronger than me.

Sasuke gritted his teeth.

Meanwhile, the hunter ninja disappeared, and then reappeared next to Zabuza. The ninja picked up Zabuza.

Tracker Ninja: Your struggle is over for now. I must deal with the remains. There are many secrets in this body. They must not be allowed to get into the wrong hands. Please excuse me. Farewell.

Then, the tracker ninja and Zabuza's body disappeared.

Naruto: <gasps> He disappeared.

Kakashi pulled his headband down to cover his Sharingan, while Naruto ran over to the tree branch the tracker ninja was just standing on.

Kakashi: He's gone, Naruto. Let it go.

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