Ushjiima X Reader

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AUTHOR NOTE Hey, guys so I felt kind of bad not updating this book since you guys seemed to like it so much, even though the writing is so bad. I was so young when I wrote this and looking back on it there are so many errors in my writing, but since you guys seem to enjoy it so much I decided to write another story. I kind of drifted away from the fandom so I don't know what's going on in it, but let me know if you guys enjoy it and want more updates. That's all for now guys. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                

               The hallways seem so empty after school, the sounds of different clubs in the heart of their activities muffled by the blocking doors. The eerie tapping of my school shoes jumps off the walls, with my hair tickling my face and my uniform becoming uncomfortable after the long school day. The big gym doors seeming more like a task that I have to face than what's hiding behind them, gripping onto the clipboard I take a deep breath and open the doors. I honestly didn't know what I was expecting to happen once I opened those doors, even after 3 years I always expect something new. The Shiratorizawa volleyball team in front of me never seemed to rest or sleep or do anything but work, I only scrunch my nose in disgust at the smell these boys can produce. I go to my usual routine in the gym, check the bottles, talk to the coach, observe the boys, and try not to rip my hair out of boredom, "Y/n!" a vibrant voice called my attention away from my routine, a blob of red ran into my line of vision. "Hello, Satori," I say with a small shake of my head and a small smile. He always seemed so bright so nice but never boring in his little weird way. " What you doing Y/n~," he asks in his bored sing-song voice, putting his hands behind his voice following sharply behind my heel, "Literally the same thing you always see me do here Satori" rolling my eyes at his dumb question. 

                  He only smiles more at me, his eyes completely closed and his smile reminded me of the Cheshire cat. He picks up his pace him now being next to me bending down to try and meet my gaze. "I can see that, I just came here to ask you something m-a-n-a-g-e-r" his fingers swaying side to side emphasizing each letter. I stop counting the water bottles in the crate and turn to him, "Satori I have a job to do, what is it?" tapping my clipboard into his chest so he can move away from me. His fingers grip the metal of the board moving it away, "Who in the team do you think is the best for a boyfriend" his playful voice nowhere in sight. I snort and smile brightly at him only to drop it fast "no one" turning around and picking up the crate of bottles, he groans and moves back to my side walking with me to the fountain at the back of the gym.                                                "No one?" he states with his eyes big and wide, I roll my eyes at his face "No one" I state as I fill up bottles. "What if a little birdie told me that a certain big ace had an interest in you?" he does a little shimmy at the end of his question only getting me more confused, "Ushijima? You're joking, I don't think that giant can develop feelings, let alone for me" I shake my head with a smirk. This is the funniest yet dumbest prank I've seen Satori ever try and pull, the ace was the scariest person in the school but had the same social skills as a rock. Satori stood up straight and picked up the now full crate of water bottles and tilted his head, "What's so funny Y/n? I'm being serious! Miracle boy may need to work on some things socially, but I think you'll really~ like him" I try and ignore him walking to the door to enter the court again. He blocks my way with his body the crate in front of him, "Please Y/N! Please, I promised I would help him, and you owe me anyways" His face contorts regaining his devious look again. I sigh not having a choice in the matter, "Fine, Fine" my hands up in the air in defeat. Satori hums in delight and lets me through carrying the crates for me until the bench.

                   He walks over to the court where the boys start their warm-up and their practice, as I watch them I take notes on their weaknesses and strengths that could be enhanced for when they have playoffs. Boys would come from the court for a towel or two here and there, Satori and Ohira coming and conversing with you briefly before heading back into their training. By the end of practice, the gym felt too humid to even be in there, the boys were taking water bottles left and right and starting to clean up, I spotted Satori and Shirabu talking to Ushijima in a hyper manner patting his back before pushing him in my direction. I could only turn around before our eyes met, laughing to myself at how childish and idiotic this whole thing seems. Picking my things up and stuffing them into my bag for my way home. 

                    "Y/N" a rough gruff voice calls out behind me making me stiff and turn around, I silently curse at myself knowing right away who it was. Ushijima towering over me hands at his sides and head tilted down to meet my eyes, I tilt my head up to him giving him a weak smile. "Yes, Ushijima? What can I help you with?" I put a hand on my hip waiting for his answer, "You're our manager" He looks so serious as he says that. I look around at the others confused and puzzled as they try and not make it obvious that they're overhearing this interacting, Satori only giving me a thumbs up I couldn't help but chuckle. I give the giant a small nod with a fading chuckle "Yes, yes I am your manager, been for over 3 years now Ushijima, glad you noticed" I roll my eyes and turn my back to him putting my clipboard in my now full bag. I heard a deep breath being inhaled behind me, "I would like to take you out" I choke on the air as I turn back around to the man. I look up, wide-eyed, "What??" disbelief all over my face as Ushijima is as stoic as ever.                                                                                                                                                                                                                  "I would like to go on a date, with you, if you would let me", I just stare at him thinking I must be dreaming, I see Ushijima's eyebrows dip in confusion and look over at Satori on what to do next, Satori only making a shoving motion with his hands to signal him to go on. I start chucking then laughing Ushijima looking more confused than ever, "Did I say something to amuse you?" his arms slowly going to his neck for comfort. After my fit of laughter I smile his hands resting back on his sides, I tilt my head and grab my bag "You know for a stoic guy this wasn't so bad of a confession" "Thank you" he replies in his normal voice. I grab my volleyball jacket and curtsy to match his serious energy, "It would be my pleasure to go out with you, text me when and where okay?" I look at him slightly smiling at him he returns the small gesture, "Okay" he nods softly. I turn around to the door "Okay" replying to him nodding. As soon as I close the door the once almost silent gym rips in uproar shouts and chants being thrown here and there, Satori's singing voice being the clearest in the crowd. I could only laugh and head home awaiting a text from the giant ace.  

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