The Lost Girl*Sugawara*

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           So this is the updated version of the old chapter I had, I change things up a bit I hope you guys enjoy it!


                  A late afternoon walks or strolls at the park was nothing new for you and your boyfriend Sugawara, either just enjoying one another's company or eating little snacks at your usual rock. This was exactly like one of your usual little strolls, hand in hand talking about the end of your high school years and what will come after them. You laugh at something he said, "But don't you think the girl should have fallen in love with the evil guy, I mean, he's hot" you say, using your unheld hand to prove a point. Sugawara just laughed at your meaningless point "No, then she would be dead, no point in choosing a guy if you're dead" he rolled his eyes. The topic you discussed was over your new weekly j-drama, one you guys loved to fight and watch to see who was the main interest for the main girl. You continue your stroll through the same path you take in the park, a small warm breeze going through your hair, this was perfect and more. The park was crowded with preschool kids no older than about 6, you and Sugawara go on the swings, taking out some ice cream and snacks you have brought for your weekly outing. You swing softly being extra gentle to not drop your food, you stare at the kids in thought, your boyfriend continuing to talk about the j-drama you watched. He swings on his heels, "-and that's why lover two is the only possible option, I mean sure option 1 is cute and all but come on you can't go wrong with-" "do you want kids one day?" he nearly chokes as you cut him off still staring at the playing kids. He looks at you then at the kids playing tag and laughing with their friends, " I mean sure I want kids, not right now though, too young, way too young" a dry chuckle at the end of the statement he shakes his head shifting his swing to be closer to yours. " Why the sudden question?" A confused expression dawned on Sugawara's face, wondering where this conversation was going, you grip the chain links and swing on your heels, head tilted towards the sky. You turn your head to look at his confused and puzzled expression awaiting a response from you.

               "I mean like I just thought of how happy kids are you know? Carefree and stuff, they're kinda cute in their own grimy way. Don't you think?" a small smile tugging at the edge of your lips. Sugawara just chuckled and stated a small "Yea" in agreement, the conversation continued, questions of how many kids you would want or how you should make the nursery. The sunset soon fell upon you, a golden shade coloring the sky, hand in hand you guys continue to stroll through the park now making it towards the slides and dirt area. You climb up the small slide with ease, however, Sugawara slipped and skid as he climbed up the upward piece of metal, you guys take turns getting up and down the slide laughing and taking pictures of one another. You sit on the grass and dirt ground pointing to the clouds that moved above the two of you, trying to deceiver what shape or animal could be spotted. You point to a cloud laughing "Hey! Does that one kinda look like the vice-principal? Or maybe it's a ball of yarn? What do you think-" "What the fuck?" you look over to Sugawara to see him propped up on one arm, his back facing you. Concern fills you, you sit up touching his shoulder "What? What's wrong?", He doesn't say anything and gets up jogging towards the slide you guys once occupied. You get up more confused and follow him towards the metal slide picking up all your things, he bends down under the slide reaching his hand out to something. You walk faster unable to hear what he was saying, "What the fuck?" you get closer as you see him pull out a child from under the slide hiding with the dirt and sticks. You run to his side as he pulls the kid to a bench and offers her his small handkerchief.

                 The little girl with the dirty preschool uniform looked no bigger than 5, looking around confused and scared. Sugawara introduces himself and me trying to get her to speak, as he asks her name she answers with a fraile "Kaida Hirose". She slowly started to speak up more "I was with my mom for afterschool, I went to pick some flowers and she's gone" she slowly started to cry a few tears falling from her face. Sugawara wipes her tears with a napkin he had, "Hey, hey it's okay we can help, okay Hirose?" he gives the girl a big smile offering his hand to hold, an offer she gladly accepts. He walks her around the park asking what her mom looks like, the basics, being nothing but kind even offering a lollipop to suck on while they search. When the young girl would start to get frantic he would try and sing some old school songs like twinkle twinkle little star, which was enough to calm her down to continue the search. You stayed behind them making sure they didn't miss a single person who might have been this child's mother, the scene before you had made you melt seeing Sugawara care for a child he wasn't even responsible for was sweet, to say the least.

               Hirose left go of Sugawara and ran for her life, Sugawara and I not far behind her, "Mommy!" we hear the 5-year-old yell towards an older woman. The woman turned and bent to her knees opening her arms to accept her child, light tears falling from her face and a sigh of relief. She checked her child for any bruises or cuts only finding dirt and grime on her instead, looking up to find me and Sugawara relieved to find the mother. Sugawara was pulled into a hug by the mother, "Thank you! Thank you so much for finding her! I was so worried" she bowed in a thank you. Sugawara rubbed his nape and waved at her "It was no bother, I'm just glad to have brought her back to you" he chuckled, he bent down to the child one last time "Promise you won't get lost like that again'' sticking his pinky out for the child to entwine with hers, she smiled brightly her lack of teeth showing "I promise!". The mother and Sugawara bid their goodbyes as he saw them off waving at them as they disappeared from view, a friendly smile plastered on his face.

            He turns around to find you, arms crossed with a smirk and eyebrow raised at him, he laughs "What?" head cocked to the side-eyeing you. You shake your head a chuckle leaving your lips "Nothing, nothing. Who knew you would be so motherly" you rub your shoulder against his in a joking manner as he comes to your side, he laughs, "Quit it!", a grin bright for you to see. You grab his hand and walk towards your house "I think you'll be a great mom Sugawara, cooking watching over the kids and stuff" You laugh as you taunt him jokingly he only nudges you in response. He shakes his head and looks over at you "And what would you be the dad?" you look at him a sly grin on your face "Yea, I guess I'll be papa".

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