I love you

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*sad and happy*
Yaku and y/n were closed friends since diapers, they played together, cry together, rant together etc. They were now in highschool and at the age were they started to grow feelings.
Yaku has been crushing on a girl since last year, her name was r/n( random name) she was the full package. Pretty, smart, athletic, nice, and sweet, who wouldnt like her. But the real problem was...You loved him since the day you met, you would look at him look at r/n with glossy eyes. Tommorw was Valentine's day, you spent all week baking and wasting money for yaku. You smiled at the thought of him saying yes to your cookies and your love for him. You packaged the cookies with your note inside, you were proud of your work.
" Ok, tommorw your going to confess to him". Y/n went to sleep happy with her self. 
~~~next day~~~
You waited untill the end of school at the gate for yaku. Only to find him with r/n around his arm laughing and blushing. Your heart broke, you knew this was going to happen, you knew he won't love you, you knew this but... you still loved him. Yaku looked your way and ran to you with a smile, and said
" Me and r/n are together now,thank you  for everything y/n". Yaku smiled, you couldn't help but smile. Yaku looked behind you and pointed at the bag,"what's that". He asked, you put the bag infront of you.
" Oh, that's was just for...Um a boy I liked for a while-i think r/n is waiting for you.Go". You push him away torward r/n and he looks back one more time,before leaving you by yourself to cry, to grieve, to regret you ever meet him. You watched you and yaku grow farther apart from eachother. You tried talking to him but he will just either shrug you off or change the topic to r/n. You started to close off your feeling for him because you didn't want to get hurt.You regretted everything you did.
~~~few months later~~~~
Yaku came crying to you one day telling you r/n cheated on him and they broke up. You helped him through the pain because you knew how it felt to be in his situation. You started to grow your feelings again but quickly but them down.
~~~ a year skip( cuz I lazy)~~~~
Yaku and y/n were now the best friends they were and hangout alot, with out any mention to r/n. Yaku was happy to have you by his side, he didn't know what feeling he was feeling but it was like he loved y/n. But he felt werid, so when he went home that day he sat down and thought about you. He then realized that he loved you not r/n, he only dated r/n because she was like you.
" Oh no, I- I love y/n, I love y/n!" Yaku was laughing like crazy, he finally knew what he wanted he wanted you. He fell of his bed with his pillow realizetion hit him so bad, he gasped and stood up fast.
" I am in love with y/n, the cookies were for me, she made them for me, she....Loved me...She cried...For me because of..Me. I got to go". Yaku took his coat, shoes, and quietly went through the window. He ran to your house, and text you that he was going to be there.
You choked on your spit, it was 10pm and you opened you window were yaku entered.
" Why are you here?". Y/n asked with hope in her voice. Yaku didn't answer he just went closer y/n, y/n started backing up to the door.
" What are you doing?".Y/n looked behind her only to find a door. Yaku looked at her with love, his arms found her hips, and his lips found hers. Y/n tensed up but slowly melted into the kiss, they parted for breath.
Y/n was blushing and tearing up, yaku just looked at her. Yaku was going to say something but was tackled to the ground, y/n was crying hair all messy.
Yaku just hugged her, one hand on her head and the other around her waist.
" I love you, I love you, I love you...I love you y/n...".
Y/n wide eyed looked at yaku, him on the verge of tears,  and kissed him again.
" I love you since the day I meet yaku, I love you and only you". Y/n and yaku met foreheads, and laughted.
" So your mine right?". Yaku asked
Y/n and she just laughted.
" Yea, are you mine, and only mine". Y/n asked yaku, helping him up.
"Of course".
Yaku and y/n ended up sleeping in y/n bed, y/n passed out. Yaku was awake happy that y/n was with him, he started playing with her hair and she smiled in her sleep. Yaku bend down a kissed her hair and whispered
" I love you y/n, and only you".
That night was the best night for the two, and they loved each other ever since

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