Chapter Ten:)

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My joint mission with Genya was nothing big, we had dealt with a demon with the blood demon arts: duplication. Genya and I went out separate ways because his presents were requested by his master and I was requested by Shinobu. We agreed to send letters to one another. 

It has been a month since Genya and I separated, we have been sending letters to one another like we agreed on.

 I was now approaching Mount Natagumo alongside Shinobu, Kanao and the water pillar Giyu Tomioka.

 When we arrived at our destination the mountain reeked and was littered with mangled and dead demon slayers.

 Kanao and I went to help those in need and took care of the demons wandering around and the ones heading to the area.

 We watched as the two pillars fought and a red-haired boy running from the scene protecting a demon girl. 

"Why is the water pillar protecting the demon, isn't that a violation of the demon slayer rule book?" I asked Kanao as we observed the situation from a tree some distance away. 

"You know Tomioka-san, I'm not the only one you should be wary of," the insect pillar said with an irk mark appearing on her face, Kanao and I took her comment as our queue to slay the demon girl.

 So, we went after the two our main objective was to slay the demon, we did not care for the red-haired demon slayer.

 The male tripped dropping the demon girl yelling at her to run and she did. Kanao took this as an opportunity to slay the demon girl. 

Kanao jumped down from the tree preparing herself the slay the demon girls head, only to be pulled down by the boy, Kanao landed on the boys back bashing her foot onto the back of his head leaving him unconscious. 

I watched in amazement admiring Kanao's strength, I continued to approach the demon girl. I jumped down from the tree slashing my sword at her neck only for her to shrink into a child "huh" I mumbled under my breath 'did she just shrink into a child' Kanao thought to herself while closing in on the two of us.

 I broke away from the two girls heading back into the tree not wanting to get my attacks mixed in with Kanao's. 'Why isn't she fighting back' both Kanao and I thought to ourselves, Kanao closing in on the girl her blade inches from the demon's neck.

 A crow came flying towards us "Bring Tanjiro and Nezuko Kamado to the demon slayer headquarters, I repeat bring Tanjiro and Nezuko Kamado to the demon slayer headquarters" the crow yelled "Tanjiro wearing a green and black mismatched haori and Nezuko a demon girl with a bamboo muzzle" the crow continued. 

I jumped down from the tree landing towards Kanao, pinning Kanao onto the ground and grabbing the demon girl from the back of her kimono.

 The demon girl named Nezuko was looking at me with a blank expression on her face "I assume your Nezuko" I spoke up to the demon in front of me, getting off of Kanao's back "Sorry" I muttered to her.

 Kanao and I made our way back to the butterfly estate, while Giyu and Shinobu make their way to the demon slayer headquarters. 

"You trampled that Tanjiro boy pretty hard" I spoke up trying to start a conversation with Kanao as we approached the butterfly estate. 

She only looked at me, blinking a couple of times and making her way to the butterfly estate garden. I sighed heading inside of the estate, "Yn" I turned my head to see Aoi walking towards me "Hello Aoi" I replied to the girl with a smile on my face "here" 

she spoke up as she pulled bandages out of her pocket proceeding the wrap the small cut on my right hand "Oh wow I didn't even notice that thank you Aoi" I said to the girl bandaging my hand "It's my job Y/n since I am not able to fight as a demon slayer" she mumbled under her breath still looking down at my hand. 

I jabbed her in the head "Well I think you're amazing Aoi think about all the people you've saved!" I spoke to her raising my voice in a cheerful manner. Aoi looked up at me with a smile "Thank you Y/n, I should go and help the new patients".

 I started to walk away from Aoi "wait Y/n" she spoke up "what's up?" I asked her as I turned back around "Genya's here, he's in the infirmary" she spoke up "really? Thank you Aoi" I said to her as we broke away from one another, I proceeded to head to the infirmary to greet my friend.

As I made my way down the infirmary hall, I could make out the faint sound of a male voice yelling.

 A door swung open three girls came running out of the room the door shutting behind them, they came running to me clinging onto my leg "Y/n-san!!" they began wailing shaking my legs. 

I crouched down to their eye level "what's wrong" I asked with a concerned expression slightly tilting my head. 

"Genya-san is a monster" Kiyo wailed shaking my arm "we were just trying to help him clean and patch his injuries!" Naho wailed, Sumi nodded. 

I stared at the three girls with a surprised expression 'he isn't that bad I thought to myself.

 I got up walking past the girls heading towards the room.

I entered the room closing the door, looking up to see Genya sitting on the infirmary bed with his back facing me. He was clearly struggling to patch himself up "I thought I told you, girls, to leave me be," he said in an angered tone still looking forward.

 My arms were crossed, I made my way other to the said male hitting him on the back of the head "You made Sumi, Naho and Kiyo cry!" I yelled at him crossing my arms once again.

 He put his hand to his head finally looking towards me with a surprised expression he blinked a few times before saying "So?" he looked at me and back down to his forearm trying to bandage it up.

 I scoffed pulling a stool up in front of him, taking the bandage wrapping from him "You have to clean it first, you dumbass" I told him grabbing a cotton swab and a bottle of cleaning alcohol.

 I sat on the stool dipped the cotton ball in the alcohol grabbing his arm and cleaning his wound. After I finished cleaning his wound, I grabbed the bandage wrapping and proceeded to wrap his forearm, feeling his heart rate speed up.

 I looked up at Genya only to see him as red as a tomato "Are you sick or something~" I said in a teasing matter. 

I looked back up at him, he was avoiding my gaze "Did you get taller" I asked examining the male in front of me.  

"Yeah, I guess" he spoke up still avoiding my gaze "You also bulked up a lot, you were so small the last time we saw each other, and your hair grew!" I exclaimed looking up at his hair, Genya nodded. 

We stayed seated in front of one another talking about our previous missions.

"And then- "I was cut off by Aoi swinging the door open standing in the doorframe "Y/n I need your assistance" she spoke in an exasperated voice "sorry Genya, We'll continue later okay?"

 I told the male getting off the stool and putting it back in its proper spot heading over to Aoi leaving the room "Oh Genya" I spoke up "make sure to change and clean your wound" I told him closing the door. "So, Aoi what do you need help with?" 


This Chapter is not proofread so if you come across any mistakes, please let me know. 

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