Meeting Your Parents Part 2

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"U-Um y-yeah, I can bring him over... Ok... see you later." You hung up the phone and sighed. "SONIC!" You yelled to get him in the kitchen. He came walking in grumbling and had his arms crossed. "What do you want?" You looked back at your phone in your hand and closed your eyes. "How fast can you get ready to meet my parents?" He cocked his head to the side and quickly got ready. You decided to just wear what you were wearing which was a dark blue sweater with a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and black knee high boots. Sonic came back with his hair brushed, a black long sleeved button up shirt, and dark blue skinny jeans. "Ugh, I was hoping you would take a long time. And why are you dressed like that? We're just meeting my parents." He smirked and grabbed your hand. "Well, we aren't eating at their house so I figured we could go on a date afterwards." You blushed and smiled. "Sounds good to me." You two left and went to your parent's house. Knocking on the door and entering you hugged them. "Hey mom, hey dad, this is Sonic...My boyfriend." "Hello Sonic, I'm (Mom's Name) and this is (Dad's name). It's nice to meet you." He smiled and shook your parents hands. "It's great to finally meet you too." The rest of the afternoon was spent talking with your parents about Sonic. It was about 6:00 when Sonic suggested that you two leave. "Hey, if we're going to catch that dinner we should think about leaving soon." He said and your parents gave him a confused look. "We're going out to dinner later." They nodded and the two of you left as you bid farewell.


"No being rude, no talking back, no acting like a pig... You got that!" You said before you left your house. Dark just rolled his eyes and said "Yes mother, I know how to behave." You sighed and grabbed his hand. "Come on, we're going to be late." You two entered the restaurant that your parents had told you to meet them at. You were really nervous they wouldn't like Dark. You got there exactly at 6:30 pm... The time they said to meet. You sat down at the table with them and they started to get to know him. Once the food came Dark only ate small bites and barely ate any of it. 'Hmmm, he's going to be hungry later.' You thought. Finally after about an hour your parents said yes. You held back a sigh of relief and smiled. After talking a bit more you decided that you should get going. Once back home Dark ran straight towards the kitchen. "Hehe, can't stand the way they eat?" You asked and he nodded. "Why bother spending so much money if you're going to eat so little of it! He asked and you shrugged. "Don't ask me, I was just raised that way." He eyed you and shook his head. "You poor thing."


You decided to invite your parents over for dinner instead of driving all that way. You had finally cleaned up the house and it was now spotless. You went into the kitchen and started cooking the meal. It was about 4:30 now and you wanted to eat around 5:30ish. "Jack come here!" You yelled from the kitchen and you heard footsteps coming towards you. You turned around and blushed. Jack's body was still wet from the shower he had just gotten out of and was only wearing a pair of pants. His hair was dripping onto the towel he had around his neck. He was in his human form and was really fit. He giggled and you looked away trying to hide your blush. "What, don't like what you see?" He giggled some more and you answered him embarrassed. "I never said that. Anyways, can you help me with the cooking?" He nodded his head and started walking towards you but you stopped him. "First finish getting ready." -Time Skip- You were getting ready while Jack finished up the cooking. You had just finished putting your shirt on when the doorbell rang. You ran downstairs to see Jack opening the door for your parents. They smiled at him as he took their coats and hung them up. "Hi mom, hi dad!" You exclaimed as you hugged them both tightly. You went over to Jack and told him to go talk to your parents while you finished up the cooking. He nodded and the three of them went into the living room to start talking. Dinner was finally ready and you got everyone into the dinning room. "(Y/N), Jack." Your mother started and you both looked at her. She smiled her warm and fuzzy smile and said "We approve."


"Percy, just act yourself." He nodded but was still shaking hard. Ever since you told him that your parents were coming over to meet him he had been shaking. You rolled your eyes and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He looked over to you and you smiled at him. "Don't worry, they'll love you just like I do! You're sweet, kind, protective, and funny. They have to like you!" He blushed when you were done with your talk and nodded his head. The doorbell rang and he gulped. When he saw your parents he shyly waved his hand and said hello. Through the night Percy got better around your parents and they loved him. "Goodnight Percy, goodnight (Y/N)." They said as they left and you two waved. You nudged him and smiled. "See, told you they would love you."

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