When You Help Him Relax

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You were sitting on your couch reading your favorite book when Jack walked in. He was walking slowly and he had his head in one of his hands. You quickly got up and got some Tylenol and a glass of water. You go to the living room to see him laying on the couch. You quietly walk over, kneel down, and whisper "Jack, are you ok?" He groans and says "No, I have a headache as big as Zalgo." You whisper "Here, sit up." He sits up slowly and you hand him the pill and water. He lifts his mask up and takes the pill and swallows it. "Jack, where is your headache?" You whisper. He points to the back of his head. "Jack, can I take your mask off?" You ask politely and he looks at you. "Why?" He growls. You sigh and take the mask off and sit on the couch. You begin to softly rub where he pointed on his head. He groans and leans into your touch. You move so the he is resting his face into your leg while you rub his head. You notice that he is more relaxed then when he was at first. "(Y/N)." He mumbles. "Yes Jack?" You ask quietly. "I love you." You smile and kiss the top of his head. "I love you too." You say while he starts to fall asleep. You notice that after a while he's asleep and your tired as well. You move so that Jack is on top of you and you use his as a blanket. Then you yourself start drifting to sleep.


Your parents were in their bedroom doing god knows what, leaving you in your room to watch some YouTube videos. You had headphones in while sitting on your bed facing away from the window. You weren't paying attention to the window that was opening up or the thud. When you felt something hug you from behind you yelled "Holy crap!" You turned around so that you could see who was hugging you and saw Masky. You sighed and leaned into his hug. "You scared me! I didn't realize you were here." He apologized and moved so that he was sitting behind you. He wrapped his arms around your stomach but turned around and kissed his jaw, then quickly got up. He took off his mask and looked at you. You ran downstairs and grabbed a fork and the cheesecake that you had bought for him. You quickly set it down on the desk you had in your room. He got up and hugged you. "I love you!" He purred. You turned around to face him and lifted up his mask. "I love you too." And kissed him on the lips. He went to the cheesecake and started eating it. You decided to be an evil little thing and took some of the cheesecake off and stuck it on his nose. "Hey!" You giggled. He smirked and looked at you evilly. Your eyes widened and you started to back up. "Um I was just joking around?" You said nervously. "Oh, don't worry babe, I won't hurt you. Too much." He then chuckled darkly and lunged for you. You moved to the right and he fell to the floor. You ran out of your room and into the bathroom and locked the door right in time. "(Y/N)! Let me in!" "NO!" It was quiet and then you heard a noise like something picking at something. You looked at the door knob and watched as the lock slowly turned. You grabbed a towel and once the door opened up, you through the towel over his head and made a run for it. Sadly, Masky grabbed you by your waist and pulled you back. He started smearing cheesecake all over you, and then started licking it off of you. You gasped and started to get goosebumps when he found your sensitive spot. "M-Masky!" He smirked and licked there more. You melted into his arms. You looked at him and realized that he still had the cheesecake on his nose. You smiled and leaned and kissed it off. You got out of his arms and went to go wash off the cheesecake. You got it off and went back into your room. You didn't see Masky but soon you felt arms around your waist and you felt hot breath on your ear. "I have to go now, but thank you babe for a relaxing day." He purred in your ear. You lifted your head and smiled, then kissed his jawline. "Your welcome Sweety."


Today was one of those rare moments where Hoodie was hyper. Laughing Jack had given him too much candy and Hoodie was all over the place. "Hoodie, please calm down!" You asked him. He giggled at you and said "S-Sorry (Y/N)! I j-just cant'-t!" You sighed and grabbed his hand and pulled him into a hug. He hugged you back and you sat the two of you on the couch with him in your arms. You started humming softly and you felt the tense arms of Hoodie slowly relax. After a while of humming you heard the soft breathing of Hoodie and realized that he was asleep. You smiled and Kissed his forehead and snuggled into him and fell asleep yourself.

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