His friend catches you making out

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~Eyeless Jack~

He attacked your lips with hunger and you smirked in the kiss. He tried to pry your lips apart to let his tongue in but you denied and he growled. Pulling away he pouted and you smiled. "Feisty." You said and kissed his lips gently before going to his neck and kissing down. Jack didn't like not being in control, but he was the lion and you were the tamer. Biting his neck as he tried to get back in control he gasped in both pain and pleasure as you licked the blood away. Going back to his lips you quickly slipped your hands under his sweatshirt and smiled as he shivered. He lifted your top up and you pulled away to take it off. Just as you were about to go back to kissing a pound was heard at your bedroom window and you both looked out to see Jeff waving his hand at you two. "Damn it Jeffrey." Jack muttered under his breath as you slipped your shirt back on.


You and Hoodie were sitting in his room at the Slender mansion just sitting there and watching a movie on his TV when you decided to give him a kiss. Gently pulling his mask up you placed your lips on his and pulled back. He smiled and pulled you closer and began to kiss you more, eventually taking his mask off completely. He quickly took his gloves off and began to run his hands through your hair. He licked your bottom lip for entrance which you gladly gave him access to. He put one hand at the bottom of your shirt and slowly slipped it under until a loud bang was heard and you both pulled away. "Damn it Ben!" You heard Masky yell out from underneath the elfin boy. "Well it's not my fault I lost my balance trying to see!" The two started arguing while you and Hoodie just awkwardly sat there on the bed with faces red.

Ben Drowned 
"D-Damnit Ben...Stop!" You muttered as he licked down your neck. You panted as you were finally catching your breath from losing it. "Doesn't sound like you want me to stop though... Shall we see just how much you really want me to stop?" You were about to reply but moaned as he bit down on your sweet spot. "Ben!" You squeaked out and you felt his lips form a smirk against your neck. You hands were now embedded in his soft blonde hair while his were trailing down your sides. Once his hands shot underneath your shirt you could almost feel electricity where ever he touched. His lips were now away from your neck and his red orbs were staring into your (E/C) ones. He started lifting your shirt up slowly to help you get the hint and you gulped as you pulled your arms out of it. His hands cupping your face he gently kissed you. Pulling away you immediately slammed your lips back onto his and you felt one of his hands trail down your back. His hand was one the clip when his door was slammed open and Slenderman stood there. "Benjamin Drowned how many times have I told you to keep your electronics put away when you're not using them!" He asked and Ben quickly covered you up with his body. "Dude! Get out!" "No, now go clean up your mess!" Ben quickly gave you his shirt where you quickly threw it on and watched red faced as he left with Slenderman.

~Jeff The Killer~

"Well aren't you just touchy today." You mumbled against Jeff's lips. You felt him smile as his hands went under your shirt and you gasped. He took the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth and start exploring. You pulled away and lifted his sweatshirt up so he could take it off. Instantly going back to the kiss once it was gone you ran your fingers gently on his stomach causing him to shiver under your touch. He moved from your now slightly bruised lips to your neck. His hands traveled to the back of your bra and was about to unclip it as the door was swung open. Liu stood there with a red face as he coughed awkwardly and left closing the door. You sat there blushing into Jeff's chest as he just laughed and held you.

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