When he yells at you

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You were cooking for Jack so when he would come home from killing, he would have something to eat. You were cooking kidneys for him but didn't know what else to put with it. You were just going to have a simple salad and decided to make one for him too. You got the kidneys cooked and put them in the oven to keep warm. Looking at the clock, it read 7:40. "Jack will be home soon." You say happily. As if on cue, you heard the door open and close. You got the salads out of the fridge and put them on the table. You went to the oven and got the kidneys and put them on the fridge. You went over to him and saw that he was on the couch. "Hey Jack, suppers ready." He got up and followed you into the kitchen. He saw the salad by his plate and stared at it. You noticed and got confused. "Jack, what's wrong?" "What is that?" He asked you while pointing to the salad. You took a bite of yours and said "A salad?" "Why would I need a salad!" He started raising his voice a little. "I-I made your kidneys and thought that since I still had a lot of my supper, you could have some in case you were still hungry." "Are you implying that I'm FAT!" He said furiously. "What! No! I just had some left and-" He cut you off. "Yeah yeah you had some left, your calling me fat!" You shook your head no. "Well I don't need your stupid salad since I'm not fat like YOU! I don't need to eat all the damn time!" You were stunned at what he said. "I-I don't eat all the time. I only eat twice a day!" You told him. "YOU EAT ALL THE TIME WHEN I'M AROUND! WHY AM I DATING YOU? YOU'RE A PIG!" He yelled. You blinked fast trying to stop the tears falling. You got up and threw away your salad and went to your room. You shut and locked the door and windows and started to cry in your pillow. You got up and lifted your shirt up to reveal a very slim stomach, slightly showing ribs. You started to cry harder. You didn't think that you were fat, in fact you thought you were under weight for your age. You went to bed with your face in your pillow.


You had just gotten done with working the later shift and didn't have time to go to the cheesecake factory to buy any cheesecake. You opened the door to be met with unsurprisingly, drunk parents. You passed them as quickly as possible but sadly your dad noticed. "Hey! (Y/N)! Get me another damn beer!" He yelled a bit slurred. You nodded and went to the fridge and saw that there was no more. You went back into the living room and told your dad. "There isn't any more." He looked at you and raised his hand and slapped you in the face. You stumbled back a bit from the impact and held your cheek that was now flaming. "GOD DAMN IT! IF I DIDN'T HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF YOU THEN THERE WOULD BE MORE MONEY FOR MY BEER!" You nodded and apologized for living and then went upstairs to your room. You went to your mirror to see how bad the mark was. You could easily tell every finger apart and it was started to form a bit of a purple shade. You sighed and turned off your light to your room and got changed in a tank top and shorts. You heard your window open up and a 'thud' before opening your eyes to see Masky. He walked over to you and touched your shoulder. "Hey (Y/N), did you get my cheesecake?" He asked. He sounded tired and you sat up from your blankets. "N-No, I had to work the later shift and the cheesecake factory closed before I could get there..." You trailed off. "I'm sorry." You mumbled. You felt a hand go over your other cheek and put your hand on it. Masky had just slapped your other cheek. "God, your so selfish! All you ever do is work and you never spend time with me, AND you just spend your money on yourself!" He said. You felt tears coming to your eyes. This was not how you wanted to spend your night. Masky got up and went to your window and looked back. "I hope your happy you selfish bitch." He said, and then left. You closed and locked your window and went to the light switch and flicked it on. On your other cheek, you had another hand print. Not at bad as your father's, but still had a purple forming. You started to cry. You weren't selfish, you spent most of your money on cheesecake for Masky. And you took days off just to be with him. You looked at your calendar and turned the light off and went back to bed, crying into your pillow. *** You woke up the next morning alone and looked at your cheeks. They both had purple on them. You called into your work and said that you couldn't come in today with the stomach flu. They wished you would get better soon and hoped you found a new job, since they were now firing you. You said your thanks and hung up the phone. You got dressed and headed out to the cheesecake factory. You bought 3 cheesecakes for Masky to eat and then quickly returned home. You put them in the fridge and then went and spent the remaining money you had on your parents drinks. You had to fake your age so they would give you the beer. You said your thanks and then went home. Putting that away, you went up to your room and onto your laptop. "Time to find a new job." You said sadly.

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