Christmas Special/first kiss Part 1

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~Eyeless Jack~

You woke up to a ring on your finger and a new dress hanging in your closet. You got up and looked at the dress and realized that that there was a note attached to the dress. "(Y/N) wear this dress and the ring and be ready to leave at 9:30 am." You looked at the clock and quickly got into the shower. After you were done you got dressed in the dress and then went to do your hair. You ended up just curling the ends and applying some make up. Putting a pair of black flats on you rushed down to the living room and waited for Jack. It was 9:30 on the dot when he came in your front door. You looked at him and saw that he was in his human form. "Ready?" He asked. You nodded your head curiously and took the hand that he offered. He got into your car and started driving out of town.


You were preparing everything for Christmas tomorrow before your parents came home. You looked into the fridge to make sure they had enough beer and when you were satisfied you closed the door. Looking at the clock it was 11:52. You looked around the kitchen to make sure that it was clean and everything was off and went to bed. You woke up the next morning before the sun was up and got dressed in a green sweater and a pair of skinny jeans. When you got to your kitchen you saw Masky there pacing back and forth. You stopped to listen to what he was saying. He was very quiet but you heard enough. "Slenderman...No... (Y/N)... Mansion... Dying..." You widened your eyes but walked in. "Masky, what are you doing here so early!" You asked. He stopped pacing and looked at you. You went over to the fridge and started getting everything that you would need for dinner tonight ready. "(Y/N), what are you doing for Christmas this year?" He asked you. "The usual. Make dinner, stay in my room, give the presents and back to my room." Masky grabbed your hand and gave you your shoes and coat and put them on you. "Well you're doing something this year!"


It was Christmas Eve and you were sitting in front of your TV with music playing and reading a book. It was quiet and peaceful so a soft sigh escaped your lips. You had your house beautifully decorated with presents under the Christmas tree. You shut your book and went to the kitchen to get something to drink before going to bed. You entered the kitchen to see Hoodie sitting on your counter with a cookie in his hand You snuck over to him and poked his side. He jumped and crushed the cookie that was in his hand. "What are you doing? Those are for Christmas." You said while smiling. He looked at the crumbs and back to you. "U-Um, they're good?" You chuckled and gabbed him another one. "For your crushed one there." He gladly took it and started eating it. "(Y/N), what do you do for Christmas?" Hoodie asked you. You swallowed your water and set the glass in the sink. "Usually I go over to my parents house and bring them their presents and my deserts, but this year I don't think I can. They live 12 hours away by car and I don't have the time or money to get a plane ticket." Hoodie slowly nodded his head and hugged you. You hugged back and he whispered in your ear "Be ready to go by 9:00 tomorrow morning then."


"Jingle bells, Batman smells, Robin layed an egg! Batmobile lost a wheel and the Joker got away!" You sung while decorating your tree. You put the last ornament on and stood back to admire your work. "Nice job (Y/N)! Do you want to come bake some cookies?" Your mom asked as she walked into the living room to see the tree. You smiled and nodded your head. Just as you two were going to go into the kitchen the front door opened and your dad came in. Yo ran and gave him a hug. "Hey baby girl! Nice job on the tree!" You giggled and smiled. This was only one of the few times that your parents were both home and you could have some family time. Christmas was the one time of the year that you loved the most. Or it was until this year sadly. You were in the kitchen with your mom and dad making cookies when they dropped the bomb on you. "(Y/N) we love you, you know that right?" Your dad said. You felt your heart drop as this was the usual start to a bad thing. "Well, your mom and I have to go tomorrow on a plane for work. I know it's Christmas, but we have to do this to keep our jobs." You nodded your head and finished decorating the snowman cookie in front of you before putting it away. "I'm going to go to bed now. Night." You said sadly as you made your way to your room. 'Christmas now too! Do they even care about me or my happiness?' You thought as you changed into a pair of sweatpants and a baggy shirt. You looked at your computer and noticed that Cleverbot was on. "Ben?" You asked. 'Yes.' "Why are you there and not here?" You asked him. 'Stand back.' You followed his advice and stood back from the computer as he came through. "Better?" He asked you. You ran into his arms and nodded your head. "Much better." "I can't be here long so I have to make this quick. (Y/N) are you busy tomorrow?" He asked you. You shook your head no and sighed. "My parents have to catch a plane tomorrow so they're skipping Christmas this year." Ben tightened his grip on you and then pulled away. "Well you won't be alone tomorrow!" He said while smiling. You cocked your head to the side like a lost puppy. "What do you mean?" You asked. "Just be ready to leave at 10:00!" He kissed your forehead and said goodnight and then left.

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