When he catches you fangirling

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Eyeless Jack
"Jack!!!!!" You yelled as you tackled your boyfriend to the ground. He grunted when his back came in contact with the floor but you didn't pay any attention to that. Your attention was more on your phone as you saw that (Favorite Band) would be in your area and couldn't wait to go see them. "Oh my god Jack...WE HAVE TO GO!" You yelled at him and he just stared up at you like you had gone crazy. "Why?" He asked and you gasped. "What the hell do you mean why...This is (Favorite band)! With (Lead singer)...The best singer out there!!!" You said and he just nodded. "This is all nice but...Would you mind getting off of me? You're squishing my insides." You just jumped off of him and started skipping away to your room.

Here you were, standing in your kitchen with a cheesecake on your counter. You couldn't even bring yourself to eat it it was that good! "Masky!" You yelled and he came running into the kitchen. "What! What is it!" He asked and you smiled. "This has got to be the best cheesecake I've ever made!" You said happily and he looked at it before taking a fork and trying to stab it. "NO!" You yelled and took the cake away. "It's too perfect to eat!" You quietly said and Masky just stood there with the fork in his hand. "Really?" He asked and you nodded. "Really."

~Ben Drowned~
"Damn it Link... Why must you be so cute!" You said as you played Legend of Zelda. Ben just glared at you from his position as you kept talking about how cute Zelda was being. "Will you shut the hell up about him?" Ben finally asked and you smirked. "Nope." He groaned and dramatically flopped backwards. "Quit fangirling... It's annoying. Especially when the character isn't even that good looking." You just rolled your eyes and continued to fangirl over the elfin boy.

~Homicidal Liu~
"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" You screamed from your seat on the couch. Liu jumped at the suddenness and Sully spat out"What the fuck is wrong with you woman!" You didn't reply and instead kept reading the article about how David Tennant would be in your town. "Are you ok there (Y/N)?" Liu asked and you nodded. Shoving the laptop to Liu and having him read it he just looked at it and rolled his eyes when he was done. "And here I was thinking that it was important." You glared at him and stuck your tongue out. "This is important, this is one of the best actors out there!" You said and Sully decided to just get up and leave the room so you could continue your fangirling.

"Oh my god!" You said in your head loud enough for Slender to hear. "What's wrong dear?" He asked and you blushed. "O-Oh, you heard that?" He nodded and you awkwardly scratched the back of your neck. "W-Well, my favorite band is coming to (City name) and I just bought tickets to go see them." He just nodded and smiled as he felt the excitement rolling off of you. "I see, have fun then dear." You chuckled and told him, "You're coming with silly!" 


~Lost Silver~
"Yes!" You yelled scaring Silver who was sitting comfortably next to you. "Wh-What happened?" He questioned and you smiled. "I finally caught a level 15 Suicune!" He looked at you as you got up and did a little happy dance before saving your game. "I can't believe I finally caught one! Do you realize how long I've wanted one?" He shook his head and sweat dropped as you continued to explain to him about how long and why you've wanted one.

Sonic .Exe 
"Oh Soooonic..." You called out with a smirk on your face. He lazily opened one eye from the couch he was lying on. "What do you want." He growled out but you ignored that. "Well...Just someone to go with me and meet at the fan meet up this Saturday." He looked at you before turning so his back was facing you. "Oh come on! This is a chance to meet Mini Ladd...You know how much I love him!" He didn't say anything as you continued to ramble about why you like him. "His accent, his hazel eyes, the hair cut! And he can rap faster than you can. Can you rap Rap God double speed?" His head shot up from the couch and he glared at you. "Babe...I can rap Rap God triple speed. You raised an eyebrow at him before smiling. "Cool! I'll get packing...Thanks Sonic!" He watched as you ran to your room before realizing that you had tricked him. "Damn woman."

~Dark Link~
"Holy shit. Holy shit. HOLY FUCKEN SHIT!" You said and started clapping your hands. Dark peeked into your room and saw you watching Supernatural. "What's up?" You had paused the TV on a shirtless Dean (AKA Jensen Ackles). Pointing to the screen you looked at Dark like he was crazy. "How do you not see this? How are you not freaking out!" You asked and he just rolled his eyes. "1. I'm not gay, 2. I'm not a fangirlfriend. I don't fangirl over these types of things." You threw a pillow at him as you continued the episode.

~Pirate Percy~
"How are you not freaking out right now!?" You asked Percy as you watched Doctor Who with him. You loved the tenth doctor and as of right now he was leaving. "Calm down dear..." Percy said a bit overwhelmed by your fangirling. Wiping away a tear you turned the TV off. "I'm done...I can't handle it anymore." You said and sat there with the TV off. 5 minutes later you turned it back on and went to an earlier episode and started rewatching the season...fangirling again over David Tennant.

"I love this song!" You suddenly yelled in the car turning the volume up. You looked over to a startled KageKao and noticed how he was looking at you. "Oi, don't look at me like that... Don't mess with me by Temposhark is amazing." You began to sing to the song and turned it up more. "Show me sex appeal. Get on your hands and knees. Forget about the meal. It's best to keep me pleased. Imagine, if you will, our meet on the block. I've got time to kill, so how about a quick fuck? I've come, it's been fun but won't you please disappear. Something tells me you can't further my career." You looked over at him and pouted. "What?" He shook his head and sighed. "Nani mo... Just your fangirling." "Well, I'm a girl so get used to it."

~Bloody Painter~
"It's not that good of a show." Painter pointed out causing you to pause the TV and turn to look at him with a sharp glare. "Not that good of a show? NOT that good of a show? Supernatural is the best goddamn show out there." "Well then give me a reason why?" He asked and you smirked. Pulling out your phone you went and found the picture that you were looking for and showed it to him. "What about him is so good? I could do that too." You growled and took your phone back. "Shut up, Jensen Ackles is that hottest guy on Earth ok? Just deal with it." He rolled his eyes as you resumed watching the TV.

~Jane The Killer~
"B-But Jane! I-It's so cute!" You said as you held the Levi Ackerman plushie close to your chest. Jane just watched as you blushed and looked away from her. "Awwww! You're so cute!" She yelled and attacked you in a hug. "J-Jane...I c-can't...Breathe!" You said and she loosened her grip on you. "Jane will y-you get o-off of Levi?" You said and she moved away from her. "What's so good about that plushie?" She asked and your eyes widened. "Levi Ackerman is amazing! If you would sit and watch Attack on Titans with me you would know!" You told her and she smiled. "Aww, you're so cute fangirling and all." She cooed and you blushed. "Stop it J-Jane..." "I CAN'T!" She said before attacking you in a hug again.

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