When he meets your parents O.o

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Today was finally the day that Jack would meet your parents. The car ride to their house was a slow and painfully quiet one. Jack looked over at you and noticed your worried expression. "Hey calm down. I'm sure it'll be fine." He said trying to comfort you. "I hope... Hey Jack..." You started not knowing if you should go on. He have you the 'go on' look and you took a deep breath and sighed. "W-Well, when they ask you what you want to eat..." "(Y/N) I know you and your family come from a line of cannibals. You don't have to worry." You pulled over and looked at him. "You already knew?" He nodded and said in a cocky attitude "I'm not stupid." "Never said you were. Well that was the easy part. Do you know why I chose not to be a full cannibal?" He shook his head no so you told him your story. "Once I was 18 they kicked me out suing that I couldn't be their daughter if I wasn't going to continue the family line." He nodded his head and grabbed your hand and rubbed his thumb over it comforting. "Hey it'll be fine." You gave a small smile at him and continued driving. Once you got to their house you parked and turned off the car. You leaned back and sighed. Jack got out of the car and opened up your door. "Come on, it'll be fine." You got out and knocked on the door. It opened up and revealed your mother. "Hey mom, been a while." She smiled and hugged you. "Hello (Y/N) it's nice to see you and oh, this must be Jack." He nodded his head and smiled at you. "Yes, hello Mrs. (Last Name), it's great to meet you." He extended a hand and she took it. Your father came and saw Jack and frowned, "Hello Mr. (Last Name) I'm Jack." He extended his hand and your father gave a firm hand shake. You two entered the house and your mom looked at your dad and they nodded. "What would you like to eat?" She asked and your father glared at him. You held your hand and he looked at you and smiled. "I like kidneys." Your parents looked at each other and smiled. "We approve!" They both said.


You paced nervously in your room, today was the day that your parents were going to meet Masky, and actually remember it. You saw Masky without his mask come up your driveway and you ran downstairs. He knocked on the door and you opened it up. He entered and saw that everything was clean. "They wanted to make a good impression." You whispered to him and he narrowed his eyes and nodded. Your parents made their way to the living room from the kitchen and smiled. You could tell it was fake. "Hello, you must be Tim! (Y/N) has told us so much about you!" He smiled and shook their hands. "Hello Mr. and Mrs. (Last Name), it's a pleasure to finally meet you!" "It's a pleasure to meet you as well. Come come, dinner's ready." Everyone sat at the table and while you ate your parents asked questions about him. When Masky had to leave the looked at you and smiled, "We approve." He smiled and said his thanks and then left. Once he drove away your parents smiles turned sinister. "Well, now that we have 'approved' of your boyfriend, you can move out and live with him once school's out." They then left through the front door and drove away to where ever.


"Hmm, so you're the Brian that (Y/N) has been talking about. A bit scrawny isn't he?" Your father asked your mother and you blushed. "Father, please be nice." Hoodie smiled and nodded his head. "Y-Yes sir." "So what about my daughter do you like?" Your father asked once you two sat on the love seat. Hoodie's smile grew wider and his eyes seemed to sparkle once he looked at you. "W-Well for start-ters I love how she accepts m-me for who I-I am. She's s-smart, honest, a-always tries h-her best, a-and she's one of-f the most-t kindest person I-I've ever met." You mother was smiling next to your father, who was nodding his head slowly taking in all the he just said. You were blushing and smiling and once you looked at Hoodie it intensified. "So you care nothing about her looks?" Your father asked and he shook his head no. "I love her for her attitude, but I will say that she is one of a kind beautiful." Your mother looked at the two of you and blushed, the way you two looked sitting on the couch was exactly how her and your father looked years ago. "Brian, (Y/N), we approve!"

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