When He Has To Leave

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Just a quick question to y'all... Have you heard Myuu's or Madame Macabre's music?  They are amazing so if you haven't go check them out on YouTube! 


Madame Macabre-https://www.youtube.com/user/xMadameMacabrex


"Jack what's with the bag?" You asked him as you saw a bag slung around his shoulders. He stopped and set it down to walk over to you. Once he was close enough he wrapped you in his arms tightly. "Jack what's wrong? What's going on?" You quietly asked and he rested his head on your head. "I have to leave for a week on Zalgo's orders." You were silent but nodded your head. "L-Like...Now?" You asked and he nodded. You hugged him tightly and lifted his mask up to his lips and gently kissed them. He gave a small smile before kissing you again. "Jack, will this be dangerous?" He shook his head no. "No, it's just a list of people to kill. If anything the worst that could happen is the cops catch me which is highly unlikely." You nodded your head again and watched sadly as he left through the window. "Bye Jack, see you in a week!" You called out quietly and waved, but smiled when he blew you a kiss before heading off into the darkness.


You were sitting on your bed reading a new book that you had been dying to read.  Turning the page you quickly took a glance at the clock and groaned.  Today was the day that Masky had to leave.  He had told you over a text message last night and was coming to say bye in person before he left.  "Hey."  You heard a soft voice say.  Looking at your window you smiled and jumped out of bed and ran towards Masky's open arms.  "Hey to you too!"  You said and gave him a kiss on the lips.  He kissed back but broke it to pull you into a hug.  "So, there's no way out of this?"  You asked and he shook his head.  "I'm sorry, I don't want to leave."  You chuckled sadly and kissed his cheek.  "I'm not mad or anything, I'm just going to miss you."  He smiled and hugged you again.  "I'm scared to leave.  What if something happens to you and I'm not here to help you?"  "I'll be fine so don't worry about me."  "That's hard to do."  He said smirking but sighed afterwards.  "I gotta get going.  See ya in a week.  Love ya."  "Love ya too Masky."  You said with a smile on your face as he jumped out the window.


Hoodie came into the kitchen as you were preparing dinner and quietly sat down at the table. You looked over at him worry in your eyes and rushed over to him. "What's wrong?" You asked him and he took his hood down and mask off. He had a sad look on his face and you began to worry more. "Hoodie? What's wrong?" He looked at you in the eyes and sadly said "I h-have to leave tonight a-and won't be back f-for a week." You slowly nodded your head and asked "When do you have to leave?" He looked at the clock and mumbled "5 Minutes." You repeated 5 minutes and looked at the kitchen. You were going to prepare his favorite dinner and then the two of you were going to watch movies. He stood up and engulfed you in a hug and kissed your head. "I-I'm sorry, I just found out-t that it's for Z-Zalgo. I'll m-make it up-p to you, I-I promise!" You chuckled and smiled in his hoodie. "Can I at least get a good-bye kiss before you go?" You innocently asked and he smiled at you. Leaning down he kissed you gently, but soon started kissing you fiercely. After a while when you both couldn't breathe you broke away gasping for air. "I'm going t-to miss your lips w-while I'm gone" He said and kissed you again softly before hugging you. "Bye Hoodie, love you." You said and he slipped his mask and hood back on he waved bye and went out the door.


"(Y/N), would you miss me if I left?" Ben asked you while you were playing video games. "Of course! Why wouldn't I?" "Even if it was only for a week?" "Yes, even if it were only for a week." "What if I told you I had to leave today?" You paused the game and looked over at him. "You have to leave today for a week." His eyes widened in shock but then narrowed and looked at the ground, nodding his head. You wrapped your arms around him in a hug. "When do you have to leave today?" He didn't reply and looked at his watch. "Like 10 minutes." You pouted and let go. He stood up and helped you up. "Ben what are you doing?" He didn't say anything in reply but came closer to you. "This" Was all he said before crashing his lips into yours. It was short, but sweet and after he pulled away he pulled you into a hug. "This is something I'll miss. Your hugs and kisses. Along with your company, bad jokes, perverted side..." "Hey, my jokes aren't bad and I'm not always a pervert!" He said with a big goofy grin on his face. You chuckled "Yeah right, there's not one day you've gone without saying something about my body." "Can't compliment your sexy curves?" You gently slapped his arm in a playful manor and smiled. "Pervert." Ben looked at his watch and groaned in annoyance. "Time to go?" You asked sadly and he nodded. "See you in a week." He said and gently kissed your lips before going into your TV. A message popped up on your screen saying "I'll be seeing those sexy curves when I get back. ;)"

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