When he gets jealous

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You and Jack decided to go to a movie. You got dressed in a light blue and white striped long sleeve with a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and black flats. You ran a brush through our hair and put mascara on. Taking a look at yourself you smiled and went downstairs to wait for Jack to pick you up. About 5 minutes later there was a knock at your door. You got up and answered it and saw Jack in his human form. He came in and took off his jacket. He was wearing a dark blue and black checkered button up long sleeve with a pair of black skinny jeans and black and white converses. You gave him a quick kiss on the lips and went to grab your purse and jacket. When you came back he looked at you and smiled. "Don't you look all cute and adorable today." You blushed and then smirked. "Don't I look cute and adorable all the time?" He shook his head no. "No you look hot and sexy all the time." You chuckled kissed his cheek. "Alright kiss up, ready to go?" He chuckled and grabbed his jacket and slipped it on. The two of you went to the car and drove to the theater. Once you got there you entered and went to the counter to order your tickets. The cashier had short ginger hair and glasses and piercing green eyes. You and Jack ordered 2 tickets to go see Seventh Son then the cashier smiled at you and handed you your tickets and 'accidentally' brushed hands. Jack noticed and pulled you closer and you grabbed his hand and led him to get something to drink. "Jealous much?" He blushed and shook his head no. "Haha whatever."


You and Masky went to the park to take a walk and get some fresh air. Masky had left his mask at your house since he wanted you to feel like you had a normal boyfriend. You were walking on the sidewalk holding hands, and talking and laughing. You made the loop and decided to walk it again. Once you got back to the park you went and sat on the swings. It was gently snowing and the snowflakes got caught in your hair, making Masky smile and blush. A little boy around the age of maybe 8 came up to you two and looked at you. He had flaming red hair and deep blue eyes. "You're pretty." He said and you smiled and blushed. "Thank you, what's your name? I'm (Y/N)." He blushed and said "I''m Blaze, who's he?" He pointed to Masky and you looked over at him, and noticed that he had narrow eyes and he was grabbing the chains of the swing tightly. "This is my boyfriend Tim." Blaze nodded his head and looked at him. "Sir, you're lucky to have her." He said and then ran off. You smiled and looked back at Masky who looked like he was going to kill him. "Masky, calm down." "Can I kill him?" You laughed and shook your head no. "Calm down, he's too young for me. Besides, why would I leave my awesome killer boyfriend for a player like him?" Masky smiled at that and he got a look in his eyes. Narrowing your own you glared at him. "If he dies, we're done." The look of killing was replace with fear and he quickly nodded his head. You chuckled and said with humor, "Masky, control your jealousy."


Hoodie wanted to be nice since the whole washing his hoodie thing and took you shopping. You put on a plane black t-shirt and ripped skinny jeans with black boots, while Hoodie went with a clean hoodie, jeans, and tennis shoes, and no mask. You went to Hot Topic and started looking at hoodies that you would like. A guy that was also shopping noticed you and started checking out cloths closer to you. Hoodie noticed him staring and shot him a glare. You didn't take any notice of what was happening and continued looking. After a while of shopping you started to get cold and rubbed your arms. You looked over at the guy that was staring and forced a shiver and rubbed your arms with your hands again. This caught Hoodie's attention and he took off his hoodie and put it on you. Underneath he had on a black tight muscle shirt that showed how fit he was. You blushed at the sight and Hoodie smiled. At the end you found 2 new hoodies and and left with Hoodie to do some more shopping. You stopped walking and Hoodie stopped by you. "Hoodie..." He looked down at you and tilted his head. "Jealousy doesn't suit you like your shirt does." And then you continued to walk, leaving Hoodie smiling and blushing.

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