When you snuggle

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~Eyeless Jack~

You were in your kitchen cooking when you felt a pair of arms go around your stomach. On instinct you elbowed the person in the stomach and when you heard the air get knocked out you spun around. You chuckled when you saw Jack holding his stomach and leaning against the wall. "That hurt (Y/N)." You smiled and returned back to your food. "What are you making?" Jack asked. You froze at his question and pushed him out of the kitchen. "Nothing that you would want!" He tilted his head and you pushed him onto the couch. "Stay here until I get back." You said and went back to the kitchen. You looked at what you were cooking and sighed. 'That was a close one.' You thought. You finished cooking the kidneys that you had and put them in the fridge. You would eat them when Jack left. Returning to the living room you sat next to Jack who was surprisingly still sitting in the exact spot. "So what were you making?" He asked. "Nothing important." You replied and grabbed the TV remote. You went to Netflix and started looking through the movies. You found (Favorite Movie) and started watching it. You looked at Jack who was staring at the TV. You thought about how to get his attention when you got an idea. You flipped like you were going to lay down on the couch. You went down and laid on Jack's legs. He smiled from underneath his mask and when you were comfy, he started to play with your hair. You smiled and went back to watching your movie.


You had returned from Barnes & Noble with a new book that you wanted to read. Sneaking to your room you sat down on your bed and opened the book. You listened for any signs of your parents and when you heard none you ran down to the kitchen and grabbed 2 pieces of cheesecake. Setting one on your dresser and taking the other one to your bed, you finally sat down and started reading. You were on about page 4 when your window opened revealing a cold breeze. You started shivering but stopped when you felt Masky's warm body against yours. "Whatcha reading (Y/N)?" He asked and started reading along with you. "(Favorite Book), it's a (Book Genre)" "Cool, and you got my cheesecake!" He quickly got up and grabbed it from the dresser and sat back down. When he was done eating the piece of cake, he moved so that he was back behind you. He wrapped his arms around your stomach and pulled you closer to him. You leaned into his touch and smiled at his warmth. You two spent the rest of the night reading and snuggling.


Today was pretty cold in your house so you had on a pair of black sweatpants with an orange hoodie. You were on your couch with a blanket on and the fireplace going. You wanted to get the remote to watch something, but it was all the way across the room. Not wanting to leave your warmth you just sat there thinking of a way to get the remote over to you. Hoodie came in through your front door and took his hoodie and mask off. You smiled and when he was by the remote you stopped him. "Wait! Grab the remote!" He stopped and grabbed the remote then sat next to you and started flipping through channels. "You looked at him and he smiled. "Y-You only said grab it, not-t give it t-to you." You shook your head at him. "That's the second thing on my mind. The first is how you can be warm right now in a t-shirt and jeans!" He blushed and looked down. "A-Actually I'm pretty cold-d, I just w-wanted an excuse to sn-snuggle with you. You smiled at him and moved closer to him and got him underneath the blankets. "You didn't need an excuse to snuggled silly, I would have let you. He blushed again and kissed you on the forehead. "Now, what do you want to watch?"


You were walking back and forth from the couch to the fridge, to the cupboards, to your room, and back to the couch. You would flip through the channels on the TV and then go back to your walk. Groaning you fell back onto your couch. You flipped so that you were upside down on it and looked around your house. You closed your eyes and decided to try and sleep. You were almost asleep when you felt a poke on your nose. You didn't open your eyes, thinking that it was just your mom home early from work. That thought quickly vanished when you felt a pair of soft lips on yours. You opened your eyes to see Ben there and you quickly kissed back. Smiling, you sat right on the couch and held your head from the blood rush. "Hi." You said as he sat next to you. "Hi." He replied and silence fell after that. "What do you want to do?" You both asked at the same time. You chuckled and looked at the ground. You checked your phone for any new messages from your parents and saw that they were going to be back from work late tonight. It was only about 1 pm and your groaned. You leaned your head against Ben's shoulder and he brought his arm around your waist. "I'm good with this." Ben said smiling. You got out of his arms and sat between his legs and leaned against his chest. "It this better?" You asked with a chuckle. Wrapping his arms around your stomach he rested his chin in the crook of your neck. "Mhm much."

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