First Kiss (Redo)

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So I was not happy with my first kiss and decided to redo it, that and I had to write one for quotev XD


"Jack!  Can you come here?"  You called out as you finished putting together your plan.  So far, it's been 2 weeks since your date and you haven't had your first kiss yet...and you really wanted to have it!  So you have put together a master plan that will grant that wish.  Jack came into your room where you were sitting on the bed.  "You called?"  You stood up from the bed and walked towards him, 'accidently' tripping and starting to fall.  Jack rushed towards you and caught you before you could fall.  "Ugh, sorry."  You said, slightly angry that your plan didn't fully work.  He chuckled and lifted his mask up to show his mouth.  Your eyes widened as he placed his lips on yours but you didn't hesitate to kiss back.  He slowly pulled away after a while and had a smirk on his face.  "If you wanted a kiss all you would have had to do was ask ya know."  You blushed and gently shoved him away, "Sh-Shut up..."  


"Um, I'll get a slice of the (Favorite flavor) cheesecake and the regular cheesecake please.  And can I have those to go?"  You asked the guy behind the counter and he smiled.  "Yeah sure thing, you here alone then?"  You gave a slight smile to seem friendly but knew what was going on.  "Ya, my boyfriend had to work today so I thought I would bring home a surprise.  He really likes cheesecake."  The guy looked slightly disappointed but smiled nonetheless.  "That's sweet, he's a lucky guy."  You blushed a bit and took the box of cheesecake from him and smiled.  "Thank you, have a good day."  You said before walking out and heading back home.  Once you got there you sighed in relief to find your parents gone.  It's been awhile since you've seen them but that was fine by you.  Going up to your room you waited for Masky to come.  A few minutes later he came in through your window and you stood up and gave him a hug.  "Hey, how was your day?"  You asked and he smiled from under his mask.  "Good, but it could be better."  He said with a smirk and before you could question him he took his mask off and bent down with his lips on yours.  You gasped in surprise and he slipped his tongue in your mouth but you didn't put up much of a fight letting him explore his new territory.  He pulled away and you blushed bright red and covered your face with your hands.  "W-Was that ok?"  He asked sounding nervous and you nodded.  "Ya, I just wasn't expecting it."  He chuckled and you quickly gave him his cheesecake slice.  "Stop laughing and start eating."  


"Hey Hoodie, can you come here?"  You asked him.  You were currently looking through your clothes to see what you should keep, and what you should get rid of.  You pulled out an orange Hoodie that you didn't remember having and thought it was Hoodie's since it was so big.  Hoodie appeared in the doorway and saw you holding the hoodie.  "Is this yours?  It's too big for me and the one you gave me is on my bed."  He shrugged his shoulders and you put it on.  It really was big, it was hanging off of your shoulders and down to your knees.  "Yeah, this is too big to wear out in public.  Maybe I'll j-just.  Hoodie, what are you doing?"  You asked as Hoodie began to walk towards you so you started backing away.  Soon your back was up against the wall and Hoodie had your wrists pinned above you.  "H-Hoodie?"  With his free hand he pulled down his hood and took off his mask to let you see his hazel eyes and soft brown hair.  He quickly brought his mouth on yours and kissed you in a passionate, but at the same time rough way.  He pulled away smirking while you stared at him with wide eyes and mouth agape.  "I-I Hoodie?"  You croaked and he grabbed his mask and put it back on as well as his hood and walked out of the room leaving you to stand there in shock.  

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