When he tries to be/is sexy

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~Eyeless Jack~

You and Jack were sitting at the table one night when you noticed Jack was acting a little different. "Hey Jack, is something wrong?" You asked him and he shook his head. You shrugged and went back to playing on your phone. Some time later Jack came up behind you without his mask on and took your phone away before he started kissing your neck. You gasped in surprise but cried out in pain once he bit your neck and started licking the blood away. "Ow Jack, what the hell? That hurt!" You yelled at him as he pulled away. "S-Sorry." "What was that all about?" You asked him and you noticed his blush. "Ben said I wasn't sexy enough for you." You rolled your eyes at his idiocy and gave his hand a squeeze. "You're sexy enough for me, don't listen to Ben. He's just a pervert."


"Skinny. Shrimp. Stick." These are the words that Masky has always heard. He knew he was skinny, he knew he wasn't the most built and he didn't care. What got him was that he wasn't sexy enough for you. Sitting on your couch with his mask off he was in deep thought about how he could be sexy. You came in and saw him thinking and wrapped your arms around his shoulders. "Whatcha thinking about?" You asked and he shrugged. "Nothing." He simply replied before giving your lips a kiss. He smirked and moved his lips down your neck until he found the one spot he was looking for. Letting out an almost stifled moan you blushed. "M-Masky..." You trailed off as he pulled away. "He smiled as he saw how red your face was which caused you to blush more. "Damn it Masky..." You said and walked away while he mentally cheered for thinking of that.


Hoodie recently has been feeling that he wasn't sexy enough for you. He sometimes felt that you would leave him for some other guy that wouldn't his his face behind a mask. Deciding to go out Of his comfort zone, he went a full day without his mask on for you. Every time you saw his face that day you would instantly blush and look away. Not sure if what he did was right, he decided to ask you. "(Y/N) am I sexy enough for you?" You looked shocked at the question before narrowing your eyes. "Who told you I was better off with someone else?" You questioned and he looked down with his green eyes looking at the ground while shuffling his feet nervously. "N-No one did, I was j-just worried that... Th-That you would leave me for someone else." He told you, whispering out "Someone who doesn't hid behind a mask." Hugging him you found his mask on his hoodie pocket and handed it to him. "I think you're sexy even with your mask on, so don't worry." You said before kissing his lips gently.

Ben Drowned 
"What the hell are you wearing!" You questioned your boyfriend as he was wearing a pair of short, leather shorts and black leather boots that went to his knees. He walked towards you slowly with a smirk on his face as he secretly took out the handcuffs from behind him. Once he got close enough to you he grabbed on hand, cuffed it, and then somehow carried you to the bed and cuffed you to the headboard. "B-Ben what the hell!?" You said with your face so bright it would put Spain's tomatoes to shame. "Well darling, as of right now I'm enjoying the view." He purred into your ear as his hands went from just under your breasts to the hem of your pants. As he was about to slip his hand in, you smacked him upside the head with the hand he forgot to restrain. "Let. Me. Go...NOW!" You yelled and he looked dejectedly at you. Uncuffing you he groaned as your hand print was now on his cheek. "Don't try this again..." You warned before leaving his room and going downstairs.

~Jeff The Killer~

"The fact that you thought that blood was sexy was your first mistake. The second one was that you thought this would work." You told Jeff as he was lying in your bathtub that was filled with blood. "So you don't want to join me then?" He asked and you sighed. "No, that would be disgusting." You told him before walking out. Popping your head back in you narrowed your eyes. "And you're cleaning this up... I'm not helping." He groaned as his plan to act sexy failed. "Knew I should have gone with the male stripper idea."

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