When He Reads Your Diary

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~Eyeless Jack~

"Do you not know what the word private means?" You asked him as you help up your diary. "Usually when something has a lock it means STAY OUT!" You yelled and Jack hung his head like a dog being scolded. Huffing you threw the book on the couch and sat down with your arms crossed. "Sorry." He mumbled while you just glared at him.


"I'm more embarrassed than mad." You told Hoodie as you looked at him. "Most of the stuff that's in here was so I could hopefully get it out of my mind. Ya know, bad feelings and memories." He nodded and you blushed. "How much did you read?" You asked and he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "A-All of it." "O-Oh... Then you read..." You trailed off and he tried to stifle a small laugh. "Yeah, I read that."

~Jeff The Killer~

"I can't believe you!" You yelled and snatched your diary from Jeff's hands. "Hey, that was interesting!" He said and tried to take it back but stopped when you glared at him. "This is personal which means only for MY eyes to see." He just watched as you blushed before he smirked. "So you thought I was pretty good looking before we started dating did you." WHACK "Shut it Jeffrey."


"U-Um that's my diary you're reading." You muttered as you came out of the shower and saw Toby sitting on your bed with your diary in his hands. "Really? Is that why it had a lot of feelings in it?" You blushed and nodded your head as your grip on the towel got tighter. "Toby, will you get out please? I need to change." "Just change here, we've been dating long enough." Your face exploded red before you just grabbed clothes and went to change in the bathroom, taking your diary with you.

~Glitchy Red~

"What do we have here?" Red asked himself as he found a (F/C) notebook under your pillows. "Mom thought I needed to get something to write in since my behavior has been bad lately. She just doesn't know what I go through. (Sister's name) has always been the better one." Red frowned at what he read. "What are you doing?" You exclaimed when you came into your room and saw Red reading your diary. "Um, nothing." He quickly said and hid it behind his back. "Give it back." You demanded and he handed it over. "Bad Red, there's a reason this said private." You told him and went to go hide it somewhere else.


"Can't catch me!" He called out and ran outside with your diary in his hands. "Sonic I swear to god I will kill you!" You shouted and after a gust of wind he spoke behind you. "You can't kill what you can't catch!" You tried to hit him but he just kept on dodging. "See you in about 5 minutes." He said and ran away. You stared after him and stomped back into your house. "Fucking jackass." You muttered and once he got back from reading it you wouldn't talk to him for the rest of the day.

~Laughing Jack~

"Sweetie, what's this?" L.J asked and held up a black and white striped notebook. Quickly trying to snatch it away he held his arms up and smiled. Lowering it down you jumped but he pulled it back up. "Jack! Give that back!" You demanded and jumped for it again. "Nope, not until you tell me what it is." You looked down and crossed your arms. "It's my diary, now give it back." "I think I'll read it instead." He said teasingly and opened it up. "Damn it, Laughing Jack give that back right now!"

~Dr. Smiley~

"H-Hey, don't read that!" You exclaimed and quickly grabbed the book Smiley had been reading. "Why not?" He asked and you blushed. "Because it's not for other people's' eyes." You told him and took it and put it back on your shelf. "Oh, could it be that that's a diary?" He asked with a smile on his face and you looked away. "Yeah, it's from when I was in high school." You told him and he raised an eyebrow. "Why do you still have it?" He questioned, wondering why you would have something like that still. "So I don't go back to the person I was back then."

~Happy Appy~

"Really! You just had to read it?" You yelled and Happy barely dodged you throwing a shoe at him. "What? It was there and I was curious!" He defended himself by saying and you threw another shoe at him. "That doesn't give you any reason to go snooping around in my diary!" You said and huffed before placing the book back onto your nightstand. "It wasn't even that interesting." He muttered and he groaned in pain when a book hit his head.


"What's this?" Puppet asked as he held up a book. "That would be my diary." You said and went back to drawing. Opening it up he started reading what you had written. About 5 minutes later he had slammed it shut and looked at you. "Are you sure you're not insane?" He asked and you paused your drawing. "I think I'm sane, but then again that's what insane people think so maybe I am." You told him and he just watched you before shaking his head. "You're a strange one, that's for sure."

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