§ 🄲hapter 1 §

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January 1
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Lily Evans woke up on the first of January with a tired expression. She was tired mentally and physically. Of course, her mind wanted to make her feel worse and remind her of yesterday's New Years Eve party...

Lily was hanging at the top of the shop, the place where the final countdown was supposed to happen. She was drinking a normal hot chocolate all alone until someone came and ruined her privacy.

"Penny for your thoughts?" asked James.

"Never was really a party girl," admitted Lily with a shrug.

"The girl from New York?" asked James.

"Believe it or not," stated Lily. "Not everyone in New York is rich, a celebrity, an author, someone famous, or someone who loves parties."

"But your Instagram-"

"Have you been stalking me, Potter?" asked Lily with a smirk.

"Well," said James, stretching the 'l' in the word.

"Stop stalking me, Potter," said Lily. "Would you like it if someone stalked you?"

"I wouldn't mind you stalking me, Evans," smiled James Potter.

Lily felt the butterflies erupting in her stomach. She wished she could kill them, but apparently they were living rent-free in her stomach. Lily really had to threaten the butterflies in her for either death or paying rent.

"You okay there, Evans?" asked James.

"You okay there, Potter?" asked Lily, knocking on his forehead.

James chuckled and Lily felt him slide closer. The butterflies apparently decided to have babies and they were flying around her stomach.

He nudged her. "You know, the view is nice."

Lily knew he was staring at her, but she couldn't stare back. She stared right ahead and agreed with him. "The view is nice."


The final countdown was starting.


James Potter was apparently flirting with her.


She felt them get closer to one another, but she didn't know what was causing them to get together.


James touched her chin.


He made her look at him as he asked her again, "You okay?"


"I'm fine," said Lily.


They were getting closer. Lily felt the butterflies burst with joy in her stomach.

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