§ 🄲hapter 27 §

197 14 47

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May 16
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Emmeline Vance woke up with quite some happy energy in her veins. It was for one very single reason that I will reveal after we go through Emmeline's usual routine.

Hooking her phone with her small, white bunny speakers. She started playing her playlist of Taylor Swift songs she liked.

She changed into a dress she bought a week ago and hanged it on her closet handle last night before she slept. It was an outfit James helped her pick when both of them went to the mall last week.

She sat on her vanity and curled her ash blonde hair for about forty five minutes, which happened to be her usual and average time to curl her hair. After doing her simple makeup, which took around ten minutes, she wore a pair of wedges that gave her a little height she wanted for this day.

Emmeline Vance looked at herself in the mirror.
She was wearing a dress that had a thin strap wrapped around her waist like a belt. The sleeves reached her elbows and the length of the dress reached her knees. The color of the dress was a light beige shade which had silver, sparkly snowflakes of small and big sizes.

She felt some things missing from her dress that needed to be added. She grabbed a white gold bracelet that Mrs. Vance gifted her for her birthday last year. Also grabbing a moon necklace that James gave her three years ago when they started high school.

The speakers announced a call from the one and only Dorcas Meadows.

Emmeline Vance disabled the bluetooth from her bunny speakers and stopped the music before she called her girlfriend back.

"Hello?" answered Emmeline.

In reply, she got a happy birthday song played as if it was a sweet melody sung by Emmeline's favorite artist. That made Emmeline giggle.

"Happy birthday to the greatest girlfriend out there. "

It was Emmeline Vance's birthday.

"Why, thank you, my lovely girlfriend," said Emmeline. "Now, were you trying to make me deaf?"

That's when Dorcas Meadows blasted loud metal music.

Emmeline pushed her phone away from her ear.

"Okay, stop that music before I hang up," said Emmeline.

"I thought I taught you worse threats," said Dorcas, acting like a stern mother.

"I don't have the heart to do it," said Emmeline.

"I guess I'll have to teach you again," sighed Dorcas on the phone.

"I can't wait," smiled Emmeline. Even though Emmeline's girlfriend couldn't see her, Emmeline had a feeling that Dorcas knew she was smiling.

"At least you have sarcasm," said Dorcas.

"I can never let go of sarcasm!"

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Mrs. Christina Vance and Mr. Juilliard Vance were waiting for Emmeline Vance. They were waiting for their daughter to come out of her room so they can surprise her with a little cake they both baked.

"She's eighteen," whispered Juilliard to his wife.

"I can't believe it," said Christina in a low voice, trying to not cry.

That's when Emmeline Vance got out of her room, her blue eyes shining with happiness the same way her smile was filled with happiness.

"Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to dear Emmy
Happy birthday to you"

"You're eighteen," said Christina, trying her very best to not cry which was starting to get harder and harder by the second.

Emmeline nodded and hugged her foster mother. "Mom. You'll make me cry."

"I'm sorry, but I didn't-"

That's how the Vance family - the married and the adopted all of them in one package - spend around five to ten minutes comforting and hugging each other. After they calmed down and their eyes were tear dry, they started cutting the small cake that was enough for the little family of three people.

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James Potter and Lily Evans were the two people who were at the door when Emmeline opened it. She smiled at the two who happened to be a little bit matching in their outfits.

James Potter was wearing a pair of light jeans and a dark blue, button-up shirt. His raven hair was the usual bird nest it was on any normal day.

Lily Evans was wearing a navy, short-sleeved, button up dress with a brown belt wrapped around her waist. There was a blue and white scarf wrapped around her neck. She was wearing a pair of black sandals.

"Did you match together on purpose or did something happen?" asked Emmeline.

"I feel Petunia somehow had a sense of what James was going to wear," said Lily. "Because she grabbed me and dressed me up without my consent."

"I feel Petunia might have called my mother," said James. "Because mom put me into this."

"My sister and your mother are matching us behind our backs," said Lily.

"We should have expected that," said James before looking at Emmeline. "Anyway, birthday girl! Up to your party, let's go!"

"He's excited, excuse him," said Lily. "But happy birthday, Emmeline."

"Thanks, Lil," smiled Emmeline as she ruffled James's hair. "Are we driving?"

"Oh, don't worry, James isn't behind the stirring wheel," said Lily. "That would be Frank."

"Thank for for Frank!" exclaimed Emmeline.

"Hey!" said James. "I can drive!"

"Sure you can," said Lily.

"I can drive!" defended James.

"Let me live on my birthday," said Emmeline. "I plead you."

"Frank! Get away from the wheel, I'm driving," said James as he turned around and walked over toward the car.

"Hey! We want to live!" said Lily as she followed her boyfriend. She turned around and looked at Emmeline. "Come on, birthday girl! I'd rather I live today!"

"How would we do that if James is persistent on driving to wherever the hell this party is?" asked Emmeline as she grabbed her small bag and closed the door behind her.

"By tackling my boyfriend to the ground and making sure your girlfriend doesn't kill me," said Lily.

Sooner rather than later - James having been strapped to the back passenger seat with his girlfriend - Emmeline found out that the party was being held at the Potter Household.

Let's just say it was a memorable eighteenth birthday.

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Fact: 2/3 chapters of the May chapters are of birthdays.

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