§ 🄲hapter 22 §

239 15 81

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April 9
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Lily Evans woke up and thought it might be a good day.

Oh, how she didn't know what the endings of spring break will bring to the redhead and her friends.

Lily stood up and decided to change. It was a Thursday and spring break, so Lily definitely didn't have any plans at all for today. Before finally changing, Lily checked what time it was out of curiosity.

12:30 p.m.

That felt like a good time to wake up on a Thursday of a good spring break.

Wearing a white t-shirt that had a painting of a sunflower picture with the words LET ME SHINE with a pair of light-colored jeans, Lily gathered a rubber tie so she can tie her hair up.

Gathering her hair, Lily heard a doorbell ringing and feet shuffling toward the door. That's when she heard her mother's voice greeting a person. She tried to ignore it because it was probably a person her mother was friends with them.

After tying her hair up into a messy bun, she grabbed a pair of light blue socks and wore them at the same time she heard her mother laugh.

She hasn't heard her mother laugh a true laugh in a while. It made Lily smile that her mother was laughing because it felt it was like years since her mother hasn't laughed one of the truest laughs she could ever give.

Lily looked at the photos above her mirror and noticed how it had more photos than when Lily first arrived to Evercott.

One photo was of Sirius wearing a t-shirt saying 'see you all in hell' as he stuck his tongue out and acted like a rockstar.

Another photo was of Dorcas inside a shopping cart with her hoodie up as Alice and Marlene both pushed her.

A third photo was Lily, Dorcas, Marlene, and Alice watching the sunset making their hairs the main attraction of the photo and their faces not shown.

Another photo was of Alice and Frank running on a rainy day. Their smiles were as bright as possible even though it was raining cats and dogs the day the photo was taken.

A fifth photo was of Lily and Remus wearing a hat and a sunglasses as they stuck their tongues out. That was as they call, coming out of their comfort zone, because Lily didn't think Remus was even going to do it. I guess it was his Marauder-side coming out in the photo.

"Lily!" called her mother.

When Lily came out of her room and into the kitchen where her mother was, and had to hold on the scream that wanted to emit from her.

"Let it hurt until it can't hurt anymore," once said Liam Ryan...

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She suddenly remembered the text she read last night. More like both texts she read last night from Instagram accounts she hasn't blocked, but the people who owned the account were blocked many many times before...

That's it
You are asking for it
You have been ignoring us for a lot of time
Don't be surprised if you find us at your doorstep
Don't be so fucking surprised if you find us at your doorstep tomorrow
Lily DON'T ignore us or even me

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