§ 🄲hapter 7 §

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February 2
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Emmeline Vance's life wasn't as perfect as mostly everyone thinks it is.

There are lots of things people choose for who you are instead of you telling them who you truly are. Don't you find that quite a bit irritating?

Why hypothetically choose the personalities of a person you have no clue about when you can learn about their interesting selves? After all, we do say don't judge a book by it's cover right? So don't you ever characterize a person without knowing about them.

After all, someone once said, don't judge people for the choices they made when you don't know the options they had to choose from. People usually judge because apparently thinking is a bit hard.

"Every single person on the planet has a story. Don't judge people before you truly know them. The truth might surprise you."

So, everyone who reads this, don't judge people that you don't know. They might surprise you.

Now, back to Emmeline Vance's life that only a few people who were interested were the ones that Emmeline truly trusted with the truth.

Everyone thinks Emmeline Vance is the perfect girl. She has blue eyes and blonde hair and is good at school. Everyone knows she's the one to be valedictorian and puts her as the smartest person among all of the seniors.

What almost everyone doesn't know is that Emmeline Vance is adopted and doesn't like to shar the fact. She doesn't want to have the pity that is bound to happen when the seniors find out that she's adopted.

From what Emmeline was told by the adults ever since a young age, her mother put her up in foster care while she gets her life back together. When Emmeline hit her teenage years, she understood and dug out the truth that her mother didn't want her. After all, her mother was only seventeen when she gave birth to Emmeline.

From what Emmeline was told by the adults ever since a young age, her father was on a big adventure that would change the world. When Emmeline hit her teenage years, she understood and dug out the truth that her father never knew about her existence. Foster care tried to reach out to him when Emmeline was six, but he right out refused them.

From what Emmeline was told by the adults ever since a young age, they made her parents seem like they were going to get their lives together and buy a big house so they can spoil Emmeline rotten. After all, what kind of human being would tell a kid their parents are assholes and didn't want them?

Luckily, at age nine, Emmeline was adopted by Mr. Juilliard Vance and Mrs. Christina Vance. When they adopted her, they asked her if they wanted to have their last name to feel more like family. Young Emmeline agreed from pure excitement.

Now, there you have it. That is Emmeline Vance's big truth that only a few people know.

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Emmeline Vance woke up to the sound of birds.

It was like every morning. She wakes up to the sounds of chirping, happy birds. Next, she changed into everything needed for the day most,y depending on the weather.

Emmeline Vance chose to wear a white sweater tucked into a long blue skirt for the day. She tied her hair, using a blue ribbon, into a knot at the base of her neck. Applying a minimum of makeup, Emmeline Vance was ready for a productive weekend.

Okay, maybe people thinking she's really smart wasn't wrong, but it irritated her when her anxiety struck and people told her not to worry because she's smart. It really irritates a person, yet they seem not to know it.

That's why the yearbook senior quote - which she has chosen since before the school year even starts - Emmeline choose was bound to make some of them shocked.

She felt like today was going to be a good day and nothing was going to stop her from having a wonderful, yet a little productive Saturday.

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Walking into the kitchen, Emmeline Vance kissed the cheek of her adoptive mother.

"Morning, mom," said Emmeline. It has been more than five years since the Vance couple adopted Emmeline which made it the reason how Emmeline was so used to calling them mom and dad.

"Morning, sweetie," said Christina Vance. "I made pancakes."

Christina Vance had brown hair that was tied into a bun at the base of her neck. Her pale green eyes that were shining behind a pair of glasses.

Juilliard Vance entered the room and kissed his wife's cheek. His blond hair and blue eyes were what made everyone not doubt if Emmeline was truly the Vance's daughter or not.

As they ate breakfast, Emmeline realized how Juilliard and Christina Vance - the people who she calls her mother and her father - always said that Emmeline was their daughter and not adoptive daughter.

It always made Emmeline smile.

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Emmeline Vance was hanging out with James Potter, a person who also happened to be an only child and Emmeline counted him as an older brother.

"James Potter," said Emmeline. "Give me my phone back."

"Nooo," said James, raising Emmeline's phone higher than Emmeline could reach without the effort of high jumps.

"Until you realize that you have a crush on Dorcas Meadows," continued James. "I figured it out, Em. Aren't you proud?"

Emmeline tried not to blush, but might have failed since James was chuckling. "We both have crushes on girls. Nice!"

Emmeline glared at James. "Can I kick you where the sun doesn't shine?"

James gave her her phone and stepped a step back away from Emmeline.

"Id rather you did not."

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Emmeline Vance was ready to go to bed.

The moment her head touched her pillow, she realizes something.

"Until you realize that you have a crush on Dorcas Meadows. I figured it out, Em. Aren't you proud?"

"We both have crushes on girls. Nice!"

She had a crush on Dorcas Meadows.

People would never expect this from Emmeline Vance because they judge her as the very known Little Ms. Perfect.

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Hello, enjoy this chapter and I hope you all are doing well!

Remember PMs are open if you need someone.

See you soon!

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