§ 🄲hapter 25 §

220 16 75

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April 17
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It was a regular school day. Sometimes, days were regular. You wake up and you go back to sleep and there's no gossip or any activity surrounding the hours of the day itself.

The girls were walking around the hallways of Griffin Ridge High. They're school outfits were pre-planned to the fact that it was Friday and they had their usual Friday ice cream hangout.

Marlene McKinnon was wearing a pair of light jeans matched with a simple, plain white shirt tucked into the jeans. Her blonde hair was slicked back into a low bun.

Dorcas Meadows was wearing a pair of baggy black and white plaid pants paired with a black halter top. Paired with that was an over-sized gray jacket that she borrowed from her dad. Her curly hair was put up into a very messy bun as it matched with one of her mother's golden hoop earrings.

Alice Prewitt was wearing a pair of dark jeans topped with a yellow sweater and a belt wrapped around her waist. Half of her brown hair was tied up into a half-up half-down hairdo.

Lily Evans was wearing a red and white stripped, long-sleeved, cropped top. With that was a classy jeans overall and a black belt tied around her waist that Petunia wrapped herself. She was wearing black combat boots which she thought looked great with her outfit. Lastly, her hair was tied up into a bun with small, short red strands framing her face.

"You know the only things I'm excited for today?" asked Dorcas as they walked toward their next class. "That it's Friday and when we are done with this horrible hell place, we've got our regular ice cream session where we can talk about anything that happened this past week."

"Agreed and accurate," said Marlene.

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They were all riding a normal bus - not the one that the school owns - a normal bus that stops at the mall they always go to after a few other stops the bus had in its route.

"Okay, what the fuck was today?" asked Dorcas, leaning forward and resting her elbows on the seat Lily and Marlene were sitting in.

The redhead and the blonde turned their heads and looked at Dorcas Meadows. Alice looked up from her phone - which she was smiling at because Frank probably texted her something sweet and adorable - and looked at Dorcas.

"What do you mean?" asked the brunette.

"Wipe that smirk off your face," said Dorcas. "No matter how sweet Frank is, today is weird."

"I am not wiping that smirk off my face," said Alice, grinning wider.

"What's weird about today, Emo?" asked Lily.

"Nothing happened today," said Dorcas. "That's what is weird about today!"

"You are weirded out because nothing happened?" asked Marlene, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes! You have to admit that things happen when we are together."

"She's not wrong," admitted Lily.

"What do you want? A monster to raise from the ground or monsters to attack just like in Stranger Things?"

"That would be cool!" nodded Dorcas.

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