§ 🄲hapter 3 §

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January 8
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For the day, how about we change the perspective of things and switch from the very main character to someone else.

Dorcas Meadows. Let's get another chance of an insight on Dorcas Meadows's life. Don't think I'll re-teach you her family - who happened to be her parents and two brothers - no, because today we are going to go on more detail's of Dorcas's inner feelings. Well, you'll only know that until the very end of this part on to what is up with Dorcas Meadows's love life.

You might have already guessed it, but what's the point in telling you about it now? There wouldn't be any kind of fun for me!

You know, I'm pretty sure one person said, that it's the connection we can't explain.

Sometimes, we can't control who our connection ends up with. Sometimes, we cannot control who we fall in love with.  Sometimes, we cannot control who our hearts want to be attached with. Sometimes, we cannot take control over who or what is our happy place. Sometimes, we can't stop the stupid smiles we get whenever we text the person who our hearts connect to.

When you realize that you could be homesick for people too, that's when you realize that your heart is connected with someone else who you probably cannot change.

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Dorcas Meadows woke up to her two brothers hitting pillows straight at her head with one of the hardest hits she's faced for her life so far.

"I'll kill you both like someone burning their toast," grunted Dorcas as she turned her head the other way and continued to try and sleep.

Unfortunately, her brothers still decided to hit her with pillows.

"Accidentally?" guessed Ryker.

"No," said Dorcas, still trying to go back to fall asleep. "I'll kill you two with heat. Burn you until you turn into ashes."

Ezra Meadows gulped. "Nope. I'm out because I'd rather live and not be burned like toast."

"Coward," called Ryker Meadows after his brother. "You coward! She shouldn't scare you! She can't burn us!"

"Oh, really?" asked Dorcas, glaring as she started to dig behind her pillow. "How do you know that I don't have a knife under there?"

"Mom! Dorcas sleeps with a knife!" shouted Ryker to wherever his mother was.

"It's Dorcas! That's her normal" shouted back his mother from wherever she was in the Meadows household. "But don't you dare kill your brother, Dor-cas Mea-dows!"

"She's splitting your name! You should know that you are in trouble," chuckled Ryker.

"Run," muttered Dorcas. "RUN!"

Ryker didn't have to be told twice. He started running with only saying a few choice of words to his sister.

"Get your ass out! We have to get to the building of hell soon!"

"Ry-ker Mea-dows!" Dorcas heard her mother shout at her brother.

"Look who's in trouble, now!" laughed Dorcas at her brother. "Ha! Look how the tables turned, Ryker Meadows."

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