§ 🄲hapter 18 §

271 19 62

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April 4
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The famous Easter Carnival of the lovely town of Evercott was something everyone looked up and waited for all year. It was something that was and always will be exciting to everyone who lives in the lovely town of Evercott.

The famous Easter Carnival of the lovely town of Evercott was were you would find most of the seniors, no most of the people of Evercott is more accurate, in that area.

The famous Easter Carnival of the lovely town of Evercott is one of the best moments that everyone really looks up to. Even the ones who grew up old that this could be their fiftieth or if they were the youngest making it their first time coming for this carnival, it made everyone buzz with excitement.

The famous Easter Carnival would be famous for a reason. To be honest, almost everyone is also here.

Lily was there with James. Alice was there with Frank. Dorcas was there with Marlene. Petunia was secretly there with Mason. Remus was there with his lovely book. Antonella was there to show her daughter-in-law the fun of the fair Sapphire was trying to ignore. Hunter was there all alone, although he did meet the skating girl he bumped into at some point.

"Come in!" said Alice, grabbing her boyfriend's hand and dragging him. "Let's all go onto the carousel!"

Dorcas grabbed her ice cream cone of caramel ice cream as she also grabbed her girlfriend's hand, rushing toward the carousel Alice pointed at.

Marlene took her cheery ice cream cone as she handed Sirius his corn dog and gave him a look that's made Sirius obey like a dog and move toward the carousel.

Remus was actually the first one inside the carousel as he read the book he brought. Of course, he held the book as tight as he can so it doesn't fall of the carousel as he fears.

James was grabbing some cotton candy for him and Lily to share and grabbed his girlfriend's hand. He smiled softly at the redhead girl.

"Come on," said James, dragging Lily toward the carousel.

Lily let him drag her and entered their cart of the merry-go-round.

Everyone laughed and enjoyed the entire Easter Carnival of the lovely town of Evercott. It was a great Easter Carnival this year, maybe an even better Easter Carnival than any other Easter Carnival that happened before in this lovely, big town of Evercott.

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Senior Kidz 😎
2:48 p.m.

Ladies and gentleman
Gays and allies
Since it's the start of Easter break
The one and only Sirius Black is hosting an Easter party tonight

How many parties are you hosting this entire year?

As much as I can Vance
As much as I possibly can
As much as I FUCKINGGGG can

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The girls were dressing up for no reason. It was a kind of hang out session for the girls after the fun carnival outing they had.

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