§ 🄲hapter 29 §

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June 17
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It was weeks before the Seniors reached their last day of school, which also happened to be their graduation day. Yes, in Evercott, the last day the Seniors had to encounter was their graduation day.
So, that meant that the last time the Seniors saw each other was in a happy and excited mood. That meant that the last time the Seniors saw each other as a graduating class was by living their last day of school in bitter sweetness.

No one ever knows what they'll end up as in the next five years. They could plan it, but not everything goes to plan. Let's look at the positive side of this. You might plan on being an employee, but five years later, you end up being the boss of employees.

That's the biggest reason why Evercott had the last year of Senior year being the graduation of the seniors. It was so the bittersweet goodbye was a party filled with happiness and tears. Another reason was just in case the Seniors never saw each other again until a ten-year class reunion, they had this final great moment of seeing each other.

That day could be the last day Lily ever saw her graduating classmates and vise versa. That day could be the last day the graduating Griffins saw each other.

Of course, now that as the last on any of the graduating Griffin's minds. Why that was the last thing on their minds? Because it was still the time of their exams.

The last exams they would ever take for high school. That was a bittersweet moment if the Senior Griffins have to admit it.

A group of Seniors were hanging around the Marauders' lockers. They were talking and discussing different topics.

Remus Lupin, Lily Evans, and Emmeline Vance were all revising through books. Their friends or partners would have snatched the books out of their hands sooner or later if their English teacher didn't grab their attention away from the books.

"Ah," said a voice that grabbed the group's attention. "A group around the locker kind of day?"

The group looked up and saw Ms. Olivia Madison, their English teacher, in front of them with a smile on her face. Her messy blonde hair was pulled back into her usual ponytail. Her brown eyes shone with happiness and a hint of sadness behind her glasses.

"A little break from the stress of exams," said Sirius before looking at three certain Griffins. "Or at least for some of us."

"Not all of us can wing it, Black," snapped Emmeline at Sirius.

"Okay, you need a five minute time out," said Dorcas as she grabbed the book away from her girlfriend, which was quite hard. "Okay! Em, you can have the textbook after five minutes of a very needed time-out."

"Dorcas, give me that book," said Emmeline.

Dorcas threw the book far away and held her girlfriend tightly. "Nope! Five minutes time out!"

Emmeline decided that she was in no position to go against her girlfriend, so she stood in her girlfriend's embrace.

"Well, I see that each of you are at different levels of stress," noted the English teacher.

"Any news about the English exam we took a while ago?" asked James.

"You know I am basically under a law to tell you nothing at all," said Ms. Olivia Madison. "But I will say that they were amazing marks."

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