§ 🄲hapter 28 §

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May 19
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Ezra Meadows was the youngest of the Meadows family.

Being the youngest in any family, it's usually known as a fact that they adored the most by both their parents. For Ezra Meadows, that was true in his case. Both his parents adored him the most out of all his siblings.

Ezra Meadows was told that he looked like a carbon copy of his father. Ezra had brown eyes that he inherited from his father, River Meadows. It also happened to be the same eyes his sister, Dorcas Meadows, had too.

He used to have brown, curly hair that he got from his father, but he blackmailed Ryker into paying to dye it white. That way, he felt like a little unique bean in his family. Of course, he remembered how his parents reacted when they saw his new hair. Looking back at the moment makes Ezra laugh.

For Ezra Meadows, he was more closer to his brother Ryker Meadows more than his sister Dorcas Meadows. He has more memories with his older brother than his younger sister. He always seemed to be with Ryker, but that didn't mean he and Dorcas didn't have each other's backs.

After all, family is family and they hold each other up.

At least they should.

After all, that is how the Meadows family works. They hold each other up through thick and thing no matter what feud anyone was going through. Even if they were fighting, the Meadows family stick together.

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It was a school day Tuesday, but it was also Ezra's sixteenth birthday.

Once he got out of his room, he was surprised by a cake and his family.

"Shouldn't we be going to school?" asked Ezra as he inspected the cake.

"After we celebrate you for a little bit," said River Meadows. "At least go to school with a happy mood and I think some of your friends wanted to take you out later tonight."

"But not too late," said Millicent Meadows.

"I'm not the one taking me out," said Ezra, raising both his hands with his fingers spread to show that he isn't crossing his fingers behind his back or anything. "You'll have to talk to the friends about that, Mom."

"Oh, I'll make sure you don't stay up too late," said Millicent Meadows.

"Come on, Mom! He only turns sixteen once," said Ryker as he held his little brother's face with both his hands. "Can't you let this sweet little face stay out for a little bit longer? He only turns seventeen-"

"Sixteen," corrected Ezra.

"He only turns sixteen once," said Ryker.

"Ry-ker," said Millicent Meadows. "Here's the thing. You try, you get grounded."

"Tried to, brother," said Ryker as he clapped his little brother's back. "Mission failed."

"Come on, we don't have all day," said River. "Let's celebrate."

That's when they started singing the traditional happy birthday song. Once they were done, Dorcas dunked Exra's head in the cake.

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