§ 🄲hapter 20 §

237 20 15

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April 6
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Regulus Black was woken up in a crazy way by his older brother, Sirius Black.

Firstly, there was a big air horn sounded that made Regulus jump out of bed. Secondly, confetti was thrown everywhere as a drum roll sound came as background music. Lastly, Sirius Black shouted, "Happy birthday! Are you awake, birthday boy?"

"Oh, yeah, like I can sleep through an air horn, confetti, drum roll background music, and you," said Regulus as he rolled his eyes and tried to untangle himself from the blanket that seemed to tangle himself.

"You're right! I'm too good for someone to sleep through my entrance. I'm not a boring documentary we're forced to watch. I'm a fun party that everyone should be awake when he enters the room," said Sirius with a wide grin.

Regulus rolled his eyes and finally stood up with a little muttering of 'stupid tangled blankets'.

"What do you want, Sirius?" asked Regulus as he yawned.

"It's your birthday! You're the big, great, amazing, wonderful, beautiful-"

"That's it!" exclaimed Regulus, interrupting his brother. "You can just say birthday boy and stop right there."

"No, no, no," said Sirius. "When you are a Black, you have to be treated as royalty!"

"You always act like you are a king," said Regulus. "But I am not at all going to become a Sirius for a day."

"I think I just became a meme?" question Sirius. "Hey! I'm on my way on becoming famous!"

"Yeah, sure, just remember us poor people!" called Regulus.

"My brother is not broken!" cried Sirius as he started kissing Regulus's cheeks multiple times. "He knows how to-"

"What's going on?" asked Andromeda as she entered the room in a robe with a pan in one hand and a wooden spoon in the other.

"Sirius is asking crazy!" exclaimed Regulus as he tried to escape his brother. "Please, Andy, get him off me! I need freedom!"

"You're boys, deal it on your own," said Andromeda.

"Andromeda, Regulus knows how to- AH!" said Sirius as he dramatically covered his eyes. "Do I want to know why you are in a night robe? You know that we all live-"

Sirius barely missed the wooden spoon that Andromeda threw at him.

"You want to ruin this beautiful face, you-"

Sirius didn't finish his sentence before Andromeda threatened him.

"Don't make me throw the pan at you, Sirius Orion Black."

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Regulus opened the door of his cousin's house to be surprised by a little Nymphadora Tonks smiling up at him with a lollipop in her mouth.

"What's up, Dora?" asked Regulus as he crouched down and ruffled his cousin's hair. "Did you dye your pink into purple?"

"Yes!" exclaimed Nymphadora, her blue eyes shining. "But that's not what I'm supposed to say."

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