§ 🄲hapter 23 §

260 15 126

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April 10
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The plan was set and it was to be done today.

Step one, Marlene was going to take the Evans family - minus Lily of course - out to explain a few things that they didn't know.

All the Evans family knew about Lily's love life with Noah back in New York was that they were happy, but Lily and Noah broke up because they wouldn't be able to handle long-distance relationships.

The Evans family doesn't know about Noah dating Lily's best friend while he was still dating Lily. They don't know about how both Noah and Mary cheated on Lily in some way and broke her heart.

The Evans family knew Lily was sad for some time, but they just put it up as either because of moving and she wasn't having any fun with her new life or it was because she missed her late father.

Step one was ready because Marlene has picked up the Evans family and her brother Mason was driving them to the mall.

"Can I-"

"Don't ask questions," said Marlene, cutting off Petunia Evans. "We'll tell you everything in the car."

"Feels like we're in some spy movie if you ask me," muttered Sapphire.

It did feel like that for everybody, didn't it?

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Step two, James was to stay with Lily at Antonella's house as physical and mental support.

The excuse that they used for Lily's family was that she wanted her "friends" to meet her current boyfriend.

"So, who is the boyfriend you have, y-"

"His name is James and he should be here soon," said Lily.

Noah and Mary were sitting on one side of the couch as Lily sat on the other side, trying her best to be as far away from those two as possibly possible.

"Lily, you can't ignore us. We came all the way from New York to this stink hole," said Mary.

"This place is not a stink hole," said Lily.

"Look who's finding piece with this shit place," noted Noah.

Lily glared at her ex-boyfriend.

"What he means is that you have to admit Lily," said Mary, trying to defend her boyfriend. "This place is shit compared to New York."

"No one asked you to compare Evercott toNew York," said Lily.

Before Mary or Noah could speak, the doorbell rang.

"That must be your boyfriend," said Noah.

Lily rolled her eyes and went to open the door.

Good thing it was her boyfriend at the door because she didn't think she could handle them with their true colors out one second longer.

Lily hugged her boyfriend tightly.

"Everything okay?" asked James, whispering the words in his girlfriend's ear as he hugged her back.

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