§ 🄲hapter 2 §

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January 6
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Lily Evans woke up and wished that today was not today.

She was going back to school and her brain only put one thing in her mind. That was that she was going to be forced to probably interact with James Potter.

She tried her entire best the entire holiday to not see James Potter and that was surprisingly easy. Although a certain someone or two from the Marauders - maybe three - texted her to either check up on her, threaten her, or interrogate her with a few of the other two.

Lily sighed as she got up and changed. Hopefully, today won't be horrible.

"Open up the door!" said Petunia. "I have to make you stylish for your day back."

"Petunia! It isn't my wedding," said Lily as her sister barged into the room. "I'm only going back to school."

"Oh, your wedding will be much bigger," said Petunia as she shoved Lily the chosen outfit. "Wear this. Now!"

"Geez, okay," said Lily, grabbing the clothes.

Emerging from the bathroom, she twirled around to put on a little snow for her older sister. She was wearing brown pants with an emerald green sweater tucked into it.

"I'm going to school before you start putting me in a skirt," said Lily as she grabbed her bag.

"Aww! Come back here, Lilliana!" said Petunia, but Lily was much faster.

"Get your ass out here Hunter before Petunia captures me," said Lily.

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"Hello! Hello! Hello! And all the hellos in all the different languages of the world," said the broadcaster of Griffin Ridge High. "Ali is here with you and I hate to tell you all to wake up! Classes are about to start soon and we are back to school! Hold back your groans."

Unfortunately, most of the seniors and some other high schoolers groaned as others tried to follow Ali the broadcaster's advice.

"Now, splash some water in your faces and stand up straight Griffins because I am proud to welcome you back to school!"

There was suddenly silence until Ali cleared his throat and continued.

"Okay, I'm done with what the principal of this divine school wanted me to say."

That made a couple of people laugh this early in the morning. Credits to Ali for putting a smile on some people's faces.

"Now, I was serious when I said to splash some water on your faces and wake up! It's morning and it's time to wake up!" said Ali, all the Griffins of the school hearing him over the speakers. "Now now now, enjoy your day and remember that we finished one part of school. Seniors, my people, get ready cause this is our last part of high school."

That was the sad truth for the seniors of Griffin Ridge High. This was their last part of high school. It wasn't the final push in their senior year, but it was the second part of their school year.

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