Reading The Letter

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Hans POV

I actually didn't think the plan would work! Elsa is going to hate Jack for what he has done. Well actually what we have done. Hopefully tomorrow Elsa will come to school and I can comfort her in any way and win her heart again! So evil...

Jack's POV (A/N: Back to when Elsa first left from the school)

As soon as Elsa ran out the door I started to chase her. I started to call her name which I think she couldn't hear because my voice craked every time I spoke. I started to lose her in the distance. Man this girl runs fast! I finally lost her and decide to give up. She probaly didn't belive me when I told her it was Kayla who kissed me. First the girl walks up to me, says that she wants me back which I decline and then she just kisses me. That's all that happened. She grabbed my head and pushed me close to her so I wouldn't be able to escape her kiss. My hands were only at her waist so I could push her off without hurting her badly but I regret that. I wish I pushed her or kicked her off of me.


I got home from school and walked up to my room with my head down. I feel like as a knife just stabbed my heart numerous times! I lay there and get out my phone. I start to text Elsa saying things like I'm sorry but she's probably ignoring me because I sent like 25 text messages! Not over exaggerating! Or maybe she just has her phone off? I don't know. I don't know anything anymore! I just want my Elsa back.

I then her the door bell ring. I slowly get up and to my surprise I see Anna. "Here" she says whilst giving me an envelope. "What's this?" I ask her. "Its a letter from Elsa. She wanted me to give this to you." she replies. "Ok. Thanks." I say then close the door and walk back up to my room. I open the envelope and read the letter.

Dear Jack,

I am sorry for everything that has happened so far. I really do forgive you but I can't forget it. I just need some time to cool of a bit. Im sorry to tell you this but I am not going to be coming to school because of this. One day I will come back and be greeted by everyone asking me what has happened or everyone will already know from rumors that are going to be spread around. I mean there was a large crowd around us. So for now I will be shutting everyone out except for Anna and my parents. Anna will bring me my school work.

Here's a little part of the song Anna used to sing to me when I shut her out after I thought my parents died a couple of years ago. ( The Ending Of Do You Want To Build A Snowman?)

Do You Wanna Build A Snowman?


Please I know your in there

People are asking where you've been

They sat have courage

And Im trying to

Im right out here for you

Just let me in

We only have eachother

It's just you and me

What are we gonna do?

Do you want to build a snowman?

Love, Elsa

I can't believe Elsa forgives me! I mean I am sad that I won't see her for a while and neither will the group but Anna will. I have to figure out a way to make her come out again. I then think of a way to make her come out sooner. Everyday I will go to Elsa's house and go by her room and sing her the song Anna used to sing to her. That should be perfect! I know she'll probably not come out tomorrow or anytime soon but it's worth a try.

I start to study the song so I can sing it perfectly to her. Each day I shall sing and wait at least 5 seconds before I go. Hopefully this should work.

Ohh the feels! That's so nice for Jack to do that for Elsa! I wanna cry now! Bye Snowies!!!!❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️⛄️⛄️⛄️⛄️⛄️

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