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Makoto makes a break for it straight towards the center of the kingdom the place where the king sits upon his golden throne. As she is running she is also dodging all the collapsing golden buildings that fall towards her.

"Damn, this gold is annoying"

After a couple minutes of running she makes it to the kings palace And opens the doors and notices that the houses are no longer crumbling around her so she enters the palace.

"Where are you"

"I'm in this palace of course, but you'll never make it to me" said the king as his voice comes from every direction

As the king says that warriors made of gold begin to rise out of the floor all around Makoto

"This isn't good"

"Kill the intruder" the golden warriors say in unison

Makoto Begins to fight the golden warriors with her spear but every time she kills one another one takes its place and they slowly start to corner Makoto

"Damn, I'm trapped I need something to take them all out at once so I can make a break for the throne room"

Makoto enchants her fire into her spear

"Flaming ring"

Makoto swings her spear in a full circle melting the golden warriors around her and she makes a break for the throne room. Upon reaching the door the the throne room Makoto kicks it open to see the king on his golden throne waiting for her.

"Took you longer than I thought for you to get here" said the king

"Well now that I'm here I can end your existence"

"I guess you could but I've been alive for more than 300 years and I don't plan on dying anytime soon" said the king

Upon hearing this it shocked Makoto so much it caused her to start shaking

"You look a little scared" said the king

"H... How are you still alive"

"I guess you could say my master was given power that transcends even the gods" said the king

"What do you mean"

"That doesn't matter because you won't live to see tomorrow" said the king

Golden warriors rise and grab hold of Makoto but it doesn't faze her because she releases a blast of fire from her hand melting the warriors

"Enough games fight me like a real king"

"Since you wish to die so much I'll take pleasure in killing you" said the king

Makoto charges the king as he gets off his throne. But the king flicks his hand and a golden needle pierces Makotos leg and retracts just as fast as it entered.

"Agh, what was that"

"That was just a simple needle, and there's more where that came from" said the king

The king flicks his hand and 7 more needles shoot from the ground but this time Makoto was ready for them and she jumped backwards dodging the needles

"That's won't work on me twice"

"Oh but it already has" said the king

Before Makoto could react 3 more needles pierced her legs and retracted

"Looks like you weren't ready to face me yet" said the king

Makoto was not ready to give up so she charges the king again

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