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Patience watches as Makoto and Purity take their seats right on time, barley making it.

"Now that your all here we have some things to discuss." Said Conner.

"Like what." Said Rigel.

"William and his 2 guardians." Said Midnight.

"All we gotta do is beat them up like everyone else we've come across." Said Makoto.

"I'm afraid that won't work with them. We'll need some sort of strategy to take them out." Said Conner.

"Can you tell us anything about them." Said Patience.

"William, from what we understand about him is that he has the power over time." Said Conner.

"What about Tempest and Rosie?" Said Rigel.

"Tempest we believe her power has something to do with lightning but that's all we've seen of her power up to this point." Said Midnight.

"Rosie, we have no information on her power. We can assume that she is very powerful to be one of Williams body guards." Said Conner.

"At least we know Williams power but, how do we beat someone who has control over time?" Said Lucy.

Purity falls asleep at the table. Makoto sees this but decides to let her sleep.

"We aren't fully sure yet, we're not sure how to even beat Tempest or Rosie." Said Conner.

"If it comes down to it I'll use you know what to take one of them out." Said Midnight.

"You can't use that." Said Conner.

"I will if I have to." Said Midnight.

"If you use it you will die." Said Conner.

"As long as I take one of them out then it's worth it." Said Midnight.

"What are you talking about?" Said Makoto.

"It's nothing." Said Midnight.

"On the other hand I guess I should explain what this building is." Said Conner.

"Is it the palace?"

"No, this is the observation building, it allows us to see over the walls to keep watch over intruders that might try and break in. It also allows us to see throughout the city to make sure everything is doing fine." Said Conner.

(Meanwhile on the outside edge of the wall unknown to any guards or security is a group of people.)

"Good job Ashly, your invisibility powers allowed us to get to the outer edge of the wall undetected." Said Astra.

"It was no Problem Miss Astra." Said Ashly.

"Mest, are you sure this is where the dragon is located at" Said Astra.

"Yes mam, Ive tracked the dragon to this location." Said Mest.

"Good." Said Astra.

"How do we get in?" Said Oscar.

"That's were glitch plays his part." Said Astra.

"Did you call me mam" Said glitch.

"Yes we need you to infiltrate the kingdom and disable all of the security measures so me, Oscar, Ashly, Mest, Chi, and Ino can enter the kingdom." Said Astra.

"I can sense all the technology from here, I just need to find the control center." Said Glitch.

"Good now let's go over the plan. Once Glitch disabled the security we enter. Oscar find a good place to get situated in, keep us all informed. Chi, and Ino, you guys protect Oscar in case anyone gets to close. Mest, and Ashly track down the dragon and bring it to me. I'll roam around the kingdom taking down guards who catch on. If the kingdom catches on to what we're doing I'll draw as much attention to me as possible. We have one goal kill the dragon so make sure the dragon gets to me." Said Astra.

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