Not the plan

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Bippity boppity boop. The bombs were set and now all I needed to do was get out of this stupid facility that ruined my life. I toyed with the idea of doing one last sweep of the place to make sure there were no people in...fuck it. It's 3am and security are distracted far enough away that this place can blow to pieces.

15 minutes. I checked the timer on the bombs and synched it to my watch and it was my time to get as far away as possible to see the fireworks. No need to run when you can walk through walls. I was just passing through the canteen when I heard her. Fuck my life! Of all the times for someone to be wandering around this hell hole it had to be now. It wasn't my problem. I went back the way I'd been and took another wall. That's when the guilt hit. I probably shouldn't leave an innocent person to explode, I can at least give them fair warning, 12 minutes they could still make the exit provided they didn't get lost in the maze of corridors. 

I turned back again. Sucks being a good person sometimes. I found her not far from where she had been, she was clearly looking for someone. I watched her for a few seconds, she did look pretty familiar. I was trying to get a better look at her face when she spoke. 

"I know you're in here" Yep I knew that voice, "You were never any good at sneaking around too much perfume, you just left and came back. Why?"

I cursed myself, I knew I shouldn't have worn any perfume today but equally I didn't expect Natasha creeping around looking for me. "Well I thought I'd do a good deed today and it turns out saving your life is it" I rolled my eyes, of all people it had to be her. She was going to get us blown up. 

"You? saving my life? Ha!" 

"Look Natasha I would love to play one of these games but we really really have to get out of here. Like now." I'd given her fair warning I could just leave, but what if she didn't believe me and ended up even closer to the bomb. 9 minutes...Shit. 

 "What are you talking about? Stop lurking in the shadows and come here. I'm taking you in, you can't be trusted anymore" Natasha sounded pissed there was no way she was going to listen. 

"We really need to move. I planted a bomb, no we can't stop it, yes I cleared the area, no there isn't enough time left now..." I knew all the stupid questions she would ask and I just did not have time today. "Lets make a deal. You trust me, I get us out and then we can continue this game of cat and mouse next week" Sounded like a fair deal to me. 

"I'll never trust you. I can get myself out. How much time?" So stubborn. I could see her red hair in front of me. I checked my watch before I spoke again, she'd probably make it to the front door but that was only if she didn't take a single wrong turn and then she'd still be caught in the blast. Hell even I was going to be caught in the blast at this rate. Why of all days did she have to catch up with me, I'd been so careful, I was sure I'd been untraceable. I was trying to remember the plans to the building, fastest way now was out the side and into the lake. I could bring Natasha with me. It would wipe me out, I might even drown if I pass out when and if we make the lake. Channeling your power into someone else is no easy feat and there are a lot of walls to get through.

"5 minutes" I lied we had 7 but I need her to know how fucked we are. She actually looked hesitant, if she would just put the gun down I'd grab her and go. I started to move behind her. This would either be the best idea or I was about to be body slammed and probably blown up.

"Fuck it" I took a breath she started to ask me what I was doing as I grabbed her elbow and ran as fast as I could, "just trust me, this once" 

She actually ran with me. We moved together towards the first wall and through we went. Wall after wall we kept moving through. I hope I had the building layout right in my head. 4 more walls. If I was wrong we were about to fly out the 3rd storey into something solid. 2 more walls. I should probably warn her about the drop into the water. My eyes felt weird. I started praying to whoever was listening that I'd get us out, I'd never taken anyone this far with my power.

"Drop," breath "into" oh god why can't my lungs get enough air in "water" we cleared the last wall. I knew I needed to soften our landing as best I could, I kept hold of her elbow and spun us so I was under her. The water rushed up to meet us and then my brain shut off. 

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