Mission Ready

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I woke up when I felt someone's, Nat's, teeth brush my ear. A shudder ran up my spine as I turned to face her. She kissed me for a long moment sucking my lip between her teeth.
"Shower with me" she said between kisses. Half asleep I let her pull me into the shower. She pushed me in first and before I knew it I was blasted with freezing cold water.
"What the actual fuck Natasha?!" She stood smirking at me as I threw myself back out of the shower shivering.
"That's for being such a drama queen last night" she pushed me back under the water but this time she came with me. I flinched as the cold water hit me, she didn't even react. Always a show off, she kissed me again pushing me back against the wall. The water began to warm as she kicked my legs apart, I knew I was already so wet for her as she began to kiss my neck, her hand journeying down my stomach. A small moan escaped my lips.

"Do you two ever stop?" A voice interrupted the moment. I groaned, it was Bucky which meant Sam wasn't far behind.
"Could you give us a minute?" I shouted from the bathroom weakly as Nat continued to kiss my neck, one hand between my legs and the other twisting my nipple.
"Nope, we have things to do Wall Walker" Sam's voice sounded closer. Had they opened the door? I was about to speak when Natasha slipped a finger into me making me gasp.

"Gross guys get a room"
Nat growled into my neck clearly just as annoyed as me, but she continued to fuck me. Pushing me back against the wall, making me pant.
"Fuck Nat..." I tried to be quiet but moans escaped my mouth, she pushed her knee up against me giving me something to grind on as she began to suck the finger that had just been in me. God she's hot.
"Come for me baby" she whispered in my ear as her teeth tugged on my earlobe again. My legs gave way and I collapsed into her breathing hard.
I rested my head against hers as she let her fingers trace all over my body, I felt so sensitive to her touch even when her hands brushed my own.

"Come on we've got a mission" she kissed my cheek and hopped out the shower. When I came out the bathroom I found Sam and Bucky on my bed rolling their eyes.

"You guys are insatiable! Are you trying to set a record?" Bucky asked as he propped himself up on his elbows.
"Yeah you guys fuck more in a day than Steve has in his whole life" Sam added.

I snorted. I wanted to be mad at them but that was kind of funny. Idiots.
"Where's Wanda?" I asked looking round and noticing everyone was in mission gear.
"On the jet ready to go..." Bucky replied looking at Nat smirking.
"WHAT?!" Nat shouted suddenly getting dressed 10 times quicker. "You told me she said we had an hour!" She threw clothes at me.
Nothing better than Nat getting in trouble.

"Yeah well we thought it'd be funny to see her tell you off again for wasting time. It's kinda sexy when she goes angry Sokovian" Bucky held his hands up in surrender when I glared at him, "platonic sexy" he added quickly.

I began pulling clothes on as I was being pushed towards the jet. It was weird, I'd not been invited on a mission with them before so I had no idea what was going on. Plus I didn't even know what the mission was. When we finally boarded the jet I saw Wanda's eyes flash red as she glared at Nat. Funny! Less funny was the blonde woman from the party sat getting cosy with my other girlfriend. Who the fuck is this bitch.

Wanda smirked, yeah yeah loud thoughts.
"Where are we going?" I whispered to Nat as she sat down next to me.
"Ticking some stuff off your to do list princess" Wanda's voice sounded, "Carol here agreed to help blow a hydra base up. Nat made a deal with her last night"
Jealousy flashed through me for a second until Nat's strong hand grabbed at my thigh. I felt calm wash over me and then a new emotion. I was grateful. Here were these people who'd hunted me down for years, who I'd definitely pissed off more than once and they were trying to help me? I closed my eyes tight to stop my tears spilling out.

They began to talk about the plan. I just sat back and listened taking it all in. Maybe I was an avenger now? Maybe I'd swapped sides?
Either way it was definitely all down to the woman beside me, I lent over and kissed her softly. I don't think I'd ever kissed her like that before it was different. It was more. Her eyebrows pulled together into a frown, she looked confused.

"Just a thank you" I whispered in her ear.
"For what"
"My new life" I breathed the words, I almost didn't believe them, "I'll show you how grateful I am later" I said it quietly enough that nobody else could hear. Except maybe Wanda, I definitely needed to thank her too.

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