Dangerous (mature)

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Bruce and Tony spent the next few days analysing the chip they'd taken out of my head. Bruce had been right it was just a basic version, a tracker and it had the ability to record sound. Bruce wasn't too sure if it actually had recorded any sound, it had potential to but no way to sending it. He said it wasn't that advanced, not like the one I'd stolen. It made me feel better but then always kind of guilty I'd potentially brought spy wear into the compound.

Wanda kept reassuring me it was fine and nobody was mad at me. She was actually trying to convince me I should just join the avenger full time. I wasn't sure if I was ready to go that clean...but Nat and Wanda were here and I could hardly break any laws now I was with them.

Wanda came into my room, without knocking. I rolled my eyes, "you could at least try and knock"
"Why? I've seen you naked" she smirked, "unless you're hiding someone...and then you'd be in trouble again, you'd need another lesson"
My breathing quickened when I remembered how she'd taken control of me and Nat a few days ago. Nat was such a control freak but I'd learned that Wanda was actually in charge, she just let Nat think she was. I didn't mind being stuck between the battle for dominance, it's so hot when they're fighting for control in bed. My mind began to wander of images of them. I hadn't noticed Wanda move closer to me until her husky voice was in my ear
"We can tie you up and you can watch while we fight over whose the boss of you like princess" my breath caught in my throat at the thought of it.

"Wands" I almost moaned, "Stop distracting me" I had research to do.
"Hmm?" She said innocently pulling me closer by my shirt, "I'm not distracting...this would be distracting" her hand found it's way down my underwear, I knew I was already wet and she lightly began to play with me. She kissed my mouth, running her tongue over my lower lip before sucking it into her mouth to bite. My heart was thundering in my chest as my hands found her waist to pull her closer. Then suddenly she pulled back and headed toward the door. "Now that's a distraction princess, good luck concentrating" she laughed as she left.

I stared after her. I couldn't believe it. I'm never going to concentrate now. I sat at my desk and tried to look into hydra facilities and children going missing. I had a feeling there might be a link, I definitely couldn't be the only experiment. I didn't last long before I slammed my laptop shut. I was going to find Wanda and frustrate her then play hard to get. That would teach her.

I found Bucky in the kitchen.
"Where's Wanda?" I asked grabbing a drink
"Mission" he replied and left the room, rude he could be less blunt and rude she could of told me. I decided to go find Natasha. As much as Wanda said I should join the team I still felt like some of the others didn't really like me.

I found her in the training room, sharpening some knives. Hot, There was something about her she looked dangerous today. I thought it would be funny to sneak up on her, so I backed out the room and came through the wall from behind her. She wasn't there but she'd left all her knives m, where the fuck did she go she was just here.
"Little mouse, you know you can't wear perfume and sneak up in someone" she had come up behind me and pressed her knife against my throat, "will you ever learn" she whispered as her tongue flicked my ear

"Nat..."I began, her other hand slipped around my waist and the knife stayed against my throat. My heart was beating fast and my breath was ragged. I trusted her completely but the knife at my throat put me on edge.

"You'll never sneak up on me baby.." her voice was low, and her hand moved up inside my tank top and she began to knead at my breast, I felt my nipples go rigid into the palm of her hand. "Interesting" she murmured, "you like it when it's dangerous hmm?". 

My breathing was so loud and ragged, I couldn't speak but there was something exciting, something wild about the position we were in. She began to move her hand lower down my body and into the waist band of my underwear. I felt hot, I knew I was going to be wet for her and there wasn't anything I could do to hide it.

Her fingers found my heat and I could feel how slick I was as she began to rub my clit. I let out a whimper as I tried to stay still against the knife pressed to my neck. 

"You." She kissed my neck, "are" she bit my neck, "my everything." she moaned as she spun me round dropping the knife and pushing me against the wall I'd recently walked through. Somehow her hand didn't leave my clit she continued to rub until she finally slid two fingers into me and roughly thrusted into me against the wall. I couldn't stop the moans that were escaping my mouth. Her mouth crashed into mine and our tongues fought for control. I couldn't last much longer and my orgasm hit me quickly, as I caught my breath I let my forehead rest on her shoulder. I was breathing hard when she spoke.

"Let's not tell Wanda we played with knives" I looked up to see she was being serious.
I smirked, "why scared you'll get in trouble again?"
She grabbed my throat, "careful little mouse don't get cocky" she slipped her fingers into her mouth to taste me and winked before she walked back to the other knives she'd abandoned.

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