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Me, Nat and Wanda quietly entered the boardroom where everyone was waiting. All eyes were on us, a quick glance at my neck told everyone what they needed to know. I was covered in bite marks from the two of them that littered down my neck and chest, I'm not sure when me and Nat became common knowledge, never mind me, her and Wanda. I was about to sit down when Nat pulled me onto her lap, Wanda sat near the front.

"She's always so serious and professional. Nerd" Nat whispered in my ear making me giggle, Wanda shot us a look which made me quieten down.
Tony was explaining his plan, it was hard to listen with Nat occasionally licking my neck and whispering in my ear making me shiver.

"So that's the plan, we think the clone is in this base. We draw them out by sending y/n in" Tony said not looking at Wanda, I realised I missed the entire plan.
I felt Nat's grip around me tighten, as if I was about to leave there and then.
"Works for me" I said casually, Nat squeezed my thigh making me nearly whimper.
"It's too dangerous" she whispered at the same time Wanda said it out loud.
"Look lovebirds, we'll all be there as back up and in case you forgot, that little shit" he gestured to me, "has managed this long without us" I was actually quite pleased with his answer. Nat and Wanda were a tad protective.

He launched back into the intricacies of the plan, I really tried to focus this time but Nat's hand drifted its way up my thigh. I squirmed on her knee trying to make her hand stop but soon enough she found her target. Everyone's eyes were at the front looking at the plans on the board, Nat quietly started to rub my pussy through my shorts. I bit my lip trying to stay quiet, I knew the material she was touching would be wet from her touch.

"Shhh baby, you don't want everyone to know how needy you are" she breathed into my ear making me shiver.
I covered my mouth with a hand trying to focus as she kept playing with me.
I glanced at Wanda who had turned to look at us, she mouthed to us silently ,"You two are in big trouble later"
A moan escaped my mouth and Nat coughed to cover it up as the rest of the room looked to us. I smiled weakly, hoping my face wasn't as red as it felt. Nat didn't even move her hand I was hoping the table blocked the view.

Less than 24 hours later I was in the jet on the way to the base with Tony, Steve, Bucky and my two overly protective loves.
"So kid you sure you know what you're doing?"
I nodded to Tony . "Yep, go in provoke them, call for back up. Easy" I'd never had a team behind me before I felt oddly calm it was nice not being completely alone for once, maybe the avengers weren't so bad. Nat and Wanda had been trying to change my mind about going in alone, I knew it was because they cared but they were so dramatic. It can't be any worse than living through an actual explosion.

I wasn't really sure how I was going to provoke hydra. I'd thought about it all the way to the base, I wanted them to catch me but not kill me... I checked my ear piece again just incase, I didn't want to go in solo. Okay so maybe I was kinda nervous.

I was just about to exit the jet when Wanda grabbed my arm, "be safe princess" I nodded and grinned at her.
"Always Wands, keep Nat distracted" I hopped out of the jet feeling good. Life had definitely improved over the last few months. Who knew it would be mostly down to Romanoff who'd hunted me down for years. In that moment I felt confident in my plan and began strolling towards the compound. I decided the best way to piss them off was to walk straight through the front door, literally, I'd been inside less than a minute when alarms started sounding. Bingo.

I smirked and kept walking, I wanted the head office and thanks to Tony's plans I knew exactly where to go. I didn't get much further when suddenly I couldn't move. My body lit up like I'd been struck by lightning, I tried to use my powers but it just made it worse. The pain was so much I couldn't even scream, at least I didn't think I could. It kept getting worse. I was sure my skull was about to explode. My eyes blacked out.

Tony I can't hear her thoughts anymore.
Tony her radios gone dead
Tony we need to go in this has been way longer than the plan
TONY. Something is wrong.

I opened my eyes, I was sure I'd see Wanda in front of me but there was nothing but darkness, her voice was ringing in my ears. I tried to move but my entire body was trapped, only my eyes could move. Oh shit. I could hear someone breathing next to me, I tried to speak but no words came out.

"Ah my favourite failed experiment..." came a cold voice that made me shudder, I felt like I might be sick, "you've finally been useful after all these years"
Shit, Wanda where are you?
If there was ever a time to read my thoughts, now was that moment.

I felt like my head was underwater, it was giving me flashbacks to my life before I ran away, I thought I was going to suffocate.
"Where's the chip?" Oh so that's what this was about, I felt the pressure in my head release and for a few seconds I could speak.
"Fuck you" I spat, the pressure came back even harder. Well at least I got to say that

"I assumed you'd be like this" the voice felt like nails down a chalk board in my mind. "You've always been replaceable you know...even to them. The spy will find someone else to fuck soon enough" I steadied my breathing. They'd come and get me soon surely...How does he know about Nat. He always knows everything. I groaned internally.

"From the sound of things it would appear your new friends are making quite the entrance" he didn't sound worried, well he should be! An ice cold laugh echoed through the room and then silence, I realised too late he wasn't even here in the building, it had been a trap. The sound of fighting grew closer until there was a bright flash. I relaxed, they'd get me out of whatever was holding me.

"Holy fuck" did the great Steve just swear...that wasn't good.
"Is she here?" Nat asked standing inches away from me, she seemed to be looking at something else. What do you mean am I here? I'm right in front of you.
"I don't know Nat, I can't hear her thoughts" Wanda was stood just in front of me. What was she talking about.
"Tony we've got a problem. There's about 40 clones in here...if we let the wrong one go we're in trouble"WHAT! My body wouldn't move
"Are they all awake" Steve asked looking into my eyes, I screamed in my head, why couldn't Wanda hear me.
"Yeah...and they're all staring at me and Wanda" Nat croaked...great I need a new tactic. I willed my brain to think of something. If they left without me there was no way I could escape hydra twice...worse what if they took the wrong me? Think!

"Look Nat" Wanda's voice shook, "they all have the same marks you left on her this morning" wait how...
"Wow Nat you get around" Bucky joked, badly timed as always. "Ouch" I guess someone punched him.

"It's creepy that they're all staring at us" Nat sounded really uncertain, "maybe they took her with them? I TOLD YOU WE SHOULD HAVE COME IN SOONER" she blew up at someone.

"Not all of them are staring at you guys" Steve said pointing at me, "this one keeps looking at Tony, must be a faulty clone the real you wouldn't give a shit about Tony" come on Nat please get it...
"Yeah you're right...unless...IRONMAN" she yelled, "that's her, Ironman is our safe-" she stopped herself short and tried to free me.
"You're kidding?" Bucky roared with laughter, "that's so fucking weird Nat, like I knew you were strange but this is too funny. Ironman" his laughter filled me with hope.

"What I don't get it" of course Steve didn't understand, I rolled my eyes.
"A safe word Steve-y boy is-"
"Shut up Bucky" Nat interrupted, "you can educate golden boy in your own time"

Tony said nothing but helped Nat get me free with Wanda, "I hope you're right Nat, I still can't hear her thoughts"
"This better be you baby" Nat whispered in my ear, "I haven't just told half the team my safe word for you to be fake"

A scream erupted from body as I fell from whatever contraption had been holding me, it felt like my scream echoed all around me. I tried to speak but nothing would come out. Someone caught me, and the world spun out of focus.

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