The Party

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Wanda and I made it to the party an hour or so after everyone else. Nat raised an eyebrow at us when we eventually walked in.

"Good thing I don't get jealous huh?" she said pulling me in for a kiss, "can't believe I had to set up a party while you two got to have fun" she kissed Wanda then grabbed both our hands and pulled us over to the bar. Bruce was already there pouring us drinks.
"You managed to make any friends yet?" He asked looking at me. I wasn't really that great at making friends and I definitely think half the team wanted nothing to do with me. I'm not even that bad of a person, it's not like I tried to end the world or anything!

I lent into Nat "Do these two count?"
Her hand stroked my back lazily only half listening while she watched the rest of the party like a hawk. She looked like she was looking for someone.
Wanda was deep in conversation with Bruce about something nerdy when I saw Nat's face light up... she might not get jealous but I do.

I followed her line of vision to see who she was looking at, I was about to ask who the blonde haired woman was when Nat just walked away. Rude. Jealous bit at my thoughts, I've never seen her look so happy to see anyone. I clenched my jaw and looked at Bruce and Wanda who hadn't even noticed. The fuck?!

I watched Nat and the stranger hug, ok but really who the hell is this woman?! I felt Wanda's lips at my ear.
"Always so loud with your thoughts princess" she whispered and continued to talk to Bruce. Was she being serious? That's all I'm getting? My thoughts are loud? Who the hell was this woman stood hugging and touching my girlfriend. Soulmate.

I stood up with my drink in hand and headed over to them, unfortunately I was interrupted by Bucky and Sam.

"So we think we might have been a bit rude to just caused us a lot of trouble before and it felt like it wasn't such a good idea to let you join the team and-" I lifted my hand to cut Sam off, I didn't need an explanation I needed to see Nat...making friends that's the mission!

"No it's okay...I'm sure I'd of felt the same" I forced a smile. It would be nice to get some more of the guys onside. Don't get me wrong Bruce is great but boy, he's too smart sometimes.
"Excellent" Bucky slapped my back with his metal hand- I nearly fell over.
"You can help us prank Steve" Sam slapped my back too.
"You guys prank Steve?" Okay so maybe making friends with these two won't be so bad after all, anything to annoy Mr Perfect.
"MORE DRINKS FOR THE WALL WALKER" Bucky yelled basically throwing me over his shoulder. Wall Walker? That better not stick!

I tried to see where Nat was but she'd vanished with stranger. I bristled with annoyance, and jealousy.
Bucky and Sam can drink...I can not. After an hour in their company I knew I was way too drunk. I needed to slow down. I looked for Wanda or even Nat, she's probably with the stupid woman, but I couldn't spot them.
"Dude I can't believe you're a bigger light weight than Cap, he can drink more than this!" Sam laughed handing me a bottle of water after I refused another shot.
"Yeah you're gonna have to hang out with us more, we'll train you up..." Bucky nodded seriously. Oh boy I don't know if I can handle this much alcohol again.

I have to admit I had a lot of fun with the guys. They made me feel really welcome, at one point they carried me around the room on their shoulders introducing me to anyone and everyone. Then when I said I was going to sleep they did the same and all but threw me into my bed. I crashed onto my mattress calling them idiots but they didn't hear as they walked back to the party singing badly.

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep but the room was spinning. I lay there awake with my eyes tight shut hoping I wouldn't throw up. I didn't know I'd fallen asleep until a hand shaking around my waist woke me up. I went rigid. Natasha. She'd ignored me all night, no, she'd disappeared all night if she thought that was okay she had another thing coming.

Her lips brushed my neck but I didn't move.
"Go to sleep Nat" I slurred, wow I really was drunk.
"But baby.." she whined. I shuffled away from her to the edge of the bed.
"If you don't want to sleep why don't you go find your friend" here we go...
"What are you talking about" she pulled me back into her so she was cuddling me. It's hard to stay mad at someone when they're spooning you, focus!

"You know the woman you ditched me for and didn't even bother to introduce me to?" I snapped. Closing my eyes again. I just wanted to sleep.
"I heard you had a good time what's the big deal?" She said stroking my arm.
"The big deal? They big deal is Natasha I was super worried about tonight because I thought most of the team hated me and you left didn't even check in on me, you vanished! And to do what? Who is she?" Oh god I sound so jealous...oops.
"You're jealous?" She asked genuinely, "I thought you liked sharing?"
I went stiff. Sharing with Wanda was one thing but this...I don't know how to feel, maybe that makes me a hypocrite. There's rules though right?
When I didn't reply she stroked my hair, "she's an old friend baby, it's nothing...I promise" I spun round to face her. I needed to see her green eyes; needed to see the truth in them.

My jaw was clenched, she stroked it making it soften.
"You're cute when you're jealous" she kissed my nose.
I wasn't aiming for cute... "Promise it's nothing?"

She kissed my mouth softly, "you and Wanda are all I're mine" her hand grabbed at my throat as she pulled me in closer.

"Show me what it means to be yours" I whispered into her mouth. She moaned at my words and flipped me onto my back straddling me.
There was a smirk on her face and her green eyes smouldered as she looked down at me, oh fuck- I'm not going to be able to walk tomorrow.

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