Meeting the Avengers

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I followed Wanda with my things trying to keep my head empty in case she was listening to my thoughts, but I was feeling pretty anxious. We didn't seem to be heading into anything that could be a trap and yet, I still wasn't sure this was the best idea. Being here with them; I had a mission to finish and I knew being under this much surveillance wasn't going to be good but if it was just for a few weeks while they caught whoever was impersonating me that wouldn't be so bad. Surveillance aside I was also worried I'd end up back in a lab, the one thing I had to avoid for my sanity's sake. I trusted Nat, years of being chased by her had made me feel like I knew her and this was her idea so how bad could it go.

"This way, you need to meet some people before you get to hide in your room" I rolled my eyes at Wanda, "oh come on it won't be that bad. They've said you can stay haven't they"
I walked into a meeting room and found myself face to face with Tony Stark, "you're not still pissed about the car are you?" I laughed awkwardly. Last time I'd seen him I'd stolen his car and crashed it off a cliff. In my defence, I didn't know it was his car and he was chasing me.
He looked at me with an eyebrow raised, "do not touch a single vehicle in that garage"
Clearly still pissed about the car then.
"Do we have to do this awkward introduction thing?" I gestured to the people behind him, "I know most of you and you definitely all know me since you won't leave me alone"

"We'd leave you alone if you'd actually cooperate" a voice came from behind Tony, "look where being a lone wolf got you, wanted by every military department in the country"
"Alright Cap being smug doesn't suit you" I glared at him, "keep the high and mighty attitude for someone that cares"
Wanda grabbed my wrist and pulled me back a step, "calm down, they want to help you" she whispered into my ear.

Steve stood up and strolled over, "I don't trust you. You're lucky you've got Wanda and Nat on-side otherwise you'd be locked up"
I bristled at his words and chose that moment to walk straight through him, it's not quite the same as walking through inanimate objects it feels kind of gross for me I don't even want to know what it feels like for someone else. Someone once told me it felt like a hot jellyfish walked through them and stole their air. Gross. I heard him wretch at the feeling,
"Good luck locking someone up that can behave like that" I said without looking back at him.

Nat was covering her mouth trying to hide a smile. I gave her a quick wink, for once I felt in control. Probably because we were both fully clothed. I scanned the rest of the table I recognised most of the faces. Sam and Bucky were whispering to each other and Bruce was looking at me strangely. Hope he doesn't expect to get too close a look at my genetics. I don't do doctors.
"Are we done here?" I asked sharply. Steve had pissed me off.
"We wanted to talk about who could be framing you?" Bruce stood up as he spoke, "do you know of anyone else Hydra gave powers to?"

"Gave?!" My voice rose, "interesting choice of words Banner." I clenched my jaw. This was a stupid idea I shouldn't have come here.
"Why don't we all cool off and catch up later over a meal" Wanda interrupted the tension that was building. I looked round I don't think I was the only one ready for a fight.

"Fine" Tony, Steve and I said in unison. Annoying.
"Where's my room or am I staying with-"
"I'll show you" Nat burst out before I said anything else. She stood up and walked towards me. Before she could say anything I grabbed her hand and pulled her behind me as I walked back through Steve. I've taken other people through walls before sure but never someone else through a person, hopefully my powers were good enough not to do any serious damage.

"Holy fuck" Steve complained as his knees buckled, "never do that again"
I laughed at his response. Secretly feeling pretty dizzy myself I looked at Nat who looked kind of sick. It was worth it to annoy Steve, hopefully she thought so too.

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