Hunted (kinda mature kinda soppy)

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I knew she'd find me. There's no out running Natasha Romanoff, I was only delaying the inevitable as I moved from bar to bar. I knew where I was going but I wanted to lead her on a wild goose chase.

I tucked myself into a corner of a burlesque bar and watched the magic unfold around me. There is something so enjoyable about watching people perform, it takes me to a different world. I watched as one performer after another artfully removed their clothing. I was in a trance, lost in the dancing and the music as I felt someone's presence.

A shudder ran up my spine, my blood felt alive I knew she was finally here. Somewhere in this room, I looked around me, it was like a magnet drawing me out. I couldn't see her, but I just knew she was there.

A familiar perfume enveloped my surroundings. Wanda...I paused to take a sip of my drink letting my eyes trying and find the person or maybe even people I was aching for.
"Looking for someone little mouse" Nat's voice purred into my ear, I spun to find her but then she was gone back into the shadow.

I clenched my jaw. She was wearing Wanda's perfume and yet she was still managing to sneak up on me. How could one woman be so infuriating.
"You'll never out run me baby" Nat's voice brushed my ear again, this time I noticed she'd taken my drink. I rolled my eyes. Always showing off!

I stood up and moved toward the bar, ordering another drink I waited for her return. Nothing. Minutes passed into minutes, she didn't come back. I knew she was somewhere, watching and waiting, for the first time in a long time I felt like her prey. Only this time it was worse, this time she knew me better than I know myself. Come on Natasha, where are you?!

Finishing my drink I felt frustrated, what was the point of her coming here if she was just going to ignore me. I felt a hand move around my was a light tough, the touch of a stranger. I turned to look at the person next to me, it was just drunk man. I stepped out of his reach for a second, if she's watching she won't like this.
"Wannnadrink?" He slurred at me, gross, I shook my head with a smile.
"No thankyou" his arm snaked back around my waist pulling me into him, my smile faltered. Fuck, don't get me wrong I can handle myself but I didn't want to get kicked out of this place for throwing a man over the bar. Trying to keep my temper at bay I attempted to move the mans hand from my waist. His grip tightened.

Taking a deep breath, I bent his fingers back to get him to let go. I could see the unexpected pain in his eyes, and just as he was about to call me a bitch or probably worse, a familiar hand wrapped around me from the other side. My Nat, wearing my Wanda's perfume, to the rescue. I felt calmer almost instantly.
The words the man had been about to throw at me died in his throat at one look at Natasha. Her green eyes were filled with disgust, her red hair almost like a mane, she looked every bit the dangerous assassin she was rumoured to be.

"All good baby girl?" She whispered softly in my ear, I nodded, "keep your hands to yourself pal, or next time I'll cut them off" she growled at the man who backed out of sight. She spun me so my back was to the bar and wrapped her arms around my neck. She kissed me gently, I melted into her mouth.
"Shame he ruined our game huh little mouse" she spoke between kisses.
"Game over then?" I asked unsure if she was going to vanish again. She silently took me my hand and led me out of the bar.
"Let's go find somewhere to play a different type of game little mouse"

She found us a hotel, there was something about it that reminded me of our first night together all those months ago. How things had changed. Enemies to lovers and now here I was really on the fence about joining her side completely.

She pushed me hard against the wall the second we were in our room.
"Nat..." I whispered as she held my throat, letting her lips gently brush over mine. I found her bringing my hands above my head and pretty soon she had me pinned there with one hand while the roamed my body. I struggled to get free a couple of times but she was surprisingly strong, her lips crashed into mine and we kissed hard like our lives depended on it.

I was breathing heavy when she pushed my feet apart using her leg. I moaned as her thigh pressed against my heat.
"Grind for me baby" she said huskily in my ear, and so I began to move myself against her thigh lost in the moment. She let go of my hands which I wrapped around her neck as she began to rip my clothes off...not rip... I felt the cool touch of metal against my stomach as I realised she was simply cutting my clothes away, oh god why does that turn me on so much.

Her fingers deftly found my wetness and she began to rub small circles against my clit. My hips chased her, she used her spare hand to tilt my face...
"Look little mouse, you can watch me fuck you" I opened my eyes that I hadn't even realised were shut and saw we were both looking at each other through a mirror.

She smirked when I moaned at the sight of us, sweaty bodies pressed together, lost in list. I scratched my nails up her back making her say my name, her teeth found my neck, marking me once again as hers. We made it to the bed like hungry wild animals and devoured each other. Body against body, tongue against tongue we fucked each other until we shook.

She held me after stroking my hair. Gentle Nat, soft Nat the side of her only a lucky few get to see.
"Are you coming home with me baby?" Home?
I felt a tear fall from my eye, I'd never really had a home until now, just places I'd existed.

"Shhh" she soothed me, kissing my forehead, "me and Wanda will be your home. Always"
She wiped my tears as feelings consumed me, until her breathing shifted to something deeper, a dream I think. My eyes were closing as the sun began to rise.
"I love you Natasha Romanoff" I whispered thinking she was already asleep.
"And I love you little mouse" came the softest response as she pulled me tighter into her arms.

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