Clone Wars

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I skipped into the lab to find Bruce, as usual I didn't use the door! Bruce wasn't there but his mysterious sheet covered table was.

Dont mind if I do, I pulled back the sheet. The noise that left my mouth wasn't human, I didn't even know I could make that kind of scream. It was me on the table, well parts of me, I began to wretch.

"Shit!" Bruce shouted throwing the sheet back on the table, "you weren't meant to see that" No shit! I had so many questions but I couldn't get my body to stop shaking, I couldn't breath, did I ever mention how much I hate labs and doctors.

"I've got you princess" Wanda's arms pulled me into her, I hadn't even heard her come in the lab. She was breathing heavy, did she run here? She kept her arms around my neck and pulled me into her, I loved the smell of her perfume, I found my body beginning to relax as she stroked my hair.

There was a loud crash behind me so I let go of Wanda to see what the fuck was going on now. Natasha! She had Bruce pinned to the floor with a knife to his throat, wait is that the same knife she used when...? Hot. Shit, Wanda, I stole a glance at her and I could tell by the look in her eyes she'd heard my thoughts about the knife and probably seen what me and Nat got up to earlier. Oops. I stopped worrying about that for a second when Nat started shouting at Bruce.

"BANNER! I told you to get rid of that, or move it or anything not leave it in the wide open for her to find!" wait she knew?

Wanda held my hand to calm me down, I bet she knew too. I clenched my jaw, I hated being the last to know things, I wish they'd stop being so protective. I pulled my hand away from Wanda and stepped back against the wall so I could glare at all 3 of them.

"Princess..." Wanda began

"Don't!" I snapped back, "and don't you dare call me baby right now!" I said to Natasha flatly, "someone tell me what the fuck is going on now"

Banner was pulling himself off the floor and seemed to be trying to calm himself down before he spoke, "the clones...they mirrored you, we needed to see how and why"

"Mirrored?" I was so confused.

"Yes, if they saw you do something or get an injury they copied. It was why it was so impossible to tell you apart from them. Even if you wrote your name on your forehead, somehow they knew to create that on themselves"

"When you were recovering we did some minor tests to make sure you weren't effected by anything happening to them-" Bruce was trying to explain but I didn't want to heat it. They'd had days to explain what was going on.

"So you just thought you'd chop a version of me up without telling me?" I was losing it.

"They aren't human Bab--" Nat caught herself mid baby when she saw the thunder in my face.

This was getting freaky, the thing on that table wasn't a robot either. Hydra had a lot of explaining to do, for real though it would have been kinda cool to have an army of clones. I shook the thought from my head, no way Hydra would have let me use them for anything fun. Always death and destruction with those guys.

The three avengers in front of me were watching me closely. I needed space, so without another word I set off walking to somewhere.

Maybe its time to move on, I can't just stay in the compound forever because Nat and Wanda are my... what even are they? Urgh. My inner monologue rattled away as I just kept walking. I wanted to go out somewhere with real people and drink alcohol and make bad lifechoices. I'm so sick of being kept in the dark, first hydra and now these clowns. Yep, definitely time for a jail break... I'm never going to be one of the avengers, it's pretty clear they don't trust me.

I hadn't even noticed I'd walked into the garage, I looked around at the the bikes and cars and other things I wasn't strictly meant to touch. I spotted a pretty slick looking black car, that would get me where I needed to go. I tried to find a way to open the door to get out...well maybe I can transfer my power into the car and just drive out? I decided it was worth a shot.

Back to cat and mouse we go Nat! I started the car and luckily my plan worked, I managed to get the car through the garage door and the gate to the compound and there was only a few scratches. I felt so free as I sped away from the avengers...I felt a small pang of guilt about Wanda and Nat but they knew how to find me if they missed me that much.

I could feel my phone going off in my pocket, it was blowing up, whoever was messaging me wanted my attention. Rolling my eyes I had a quick glance, it was no surprise to see Natasha's name and 50 unread messages. Most of them were apologies and demands to come back and talk. There was one calling me a little shit for telling Wanda about the knife play, I couldn't help but laugh at Nat being in trouble once again.

It was the last message that made my breath catch and my pussy ache, I knew I was in trouble.

If you wanted to play cat and mouse again baby you only had to ask. I will catch you again little mouse and there will be consequences. I'll give you a 2 hour head start.

I sped up and headed towards the city, 2 hours wasn't a long time to get away from Romanoff, especially in what was probably a very easily tracked car. I smirked, I knew exactly where top hide and how to piss her off even more.

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